The begining of my journey

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Nashi P.O.V. (This is set tweleve years after the end of the first book)
I sat staring out the window while everyone else in the orphanage ran around playing without a care in the world. I thought over that question every orphan thinks about 'why did they give me away? Did they not love me?'. I stared down at the only thing I've ever had from my parents, a golden key that kinda looked like it has a lion on it and a weird symbol. I've tried asking around about it but so far I've got nothing. The key must be special for them to give it to me... right? My thoughts were interrupted when I watched a car roll up the drive way and a couple walked into the orphanage, are they here to take one of us home? I try not to get to hopeful they usually adopt little kids who don't look depressed, I'm just a 17 year old girl that sulks around.
"Nashi, to your room" I turn around and the strict old lady who owns the orphanage calls for me to go to my room as I'm the last kid to leave. Once I'm in my room I've decide that I'm going to runaway today and not put it off any longer. I already packed my stuff, all my money and clothing in a small backpack. I can't take being in this orphanage any longer, I leave a note for anyone that notices I'm gone and sling the backpack over my shoulder. I open my window, luckily I'm on the first floor so it isn't a long drop. My feet hit the gravel and I silently walk away from the orphanage with the weekly sorcerer magazine in hand and wish that hopefully I can finally join the guild known as Fairy Tail and finally have a family.
A/N: This the sequel for 'how I've changed' so check that out. The setting of this book and most of the characters dont belong to me this is just a fanfic. Also I used a picture for the cover that SoleChii created so if you want check out her go to Hope you guys like it!

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