The Journal

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"I I think he said his name was Zeref." After I said that I heard something smash and the guild went silent, Mira was holding her hand up to her face with tears streaming and Natsu had dropped a glass his face contorted with anger.

Natsu tried to run out of the guild but my newfound friends parents were holding him back within seconds.

"You can't go after him!" Erza shouted barely able to dodge his wild punches that we're starting to light with fire "It won't bring her back!" He stopped fighting and calmed down enough for them to let go.

"I can't leave him to hurt anyone else!" He shouted looking like he was about to punch something or someone. I sat here bewildered from his sudden outburst and everything thing that's happened in the past days. The kept talking to him trying to calm him down and the only thing that seemed to finally get him to relax was a flying cat.. wait a flying cat?!

I went back to my thoughts and tried to process what was going on I suddenly remembered the journal and mention of my mother. I realized that the journal probably belonged to my mother and even if it felt weird to invade in someone else's journal I knew it was the closest I've ever been to finding out more about my parents. I opened it up and briefly read the first few entries until I came upon one that caught my attention.

I've recently found out that I'm pregnant and I don't know what's going to happen after I have my baby. Zeref is cold hearted and I'm scared what he will do if he finds out. He barely talks to me and I think I've been in this wretched room for a few months which means I'm probably close to four or five months pregnant at first I thought I was just gaining weight but it's obvious I can't be getting this fat with the little he's feeding me. Sincerely, Lucy heartfilia.

I flipped through more pages and he had found out but didn't seem to care until I found a page that had what I'm assuming are tears that had splashed on the page.

He told me that I can't keep my baby when he visited today. How can he be so heartless that he would take away my baby I don't want my baby to grow up without a mother oh god I wish someone could save me since I've tried to escape countless times but it never works. He expects me to get rid of my keys to, the only reason I haven't gone crazy is because of the company of plu he's the only spirit I can summon since I'm so weak all the time anyway. Sincerely, Lucy Heartfillia.

I continued to read even if I knew what happened next she had her baby and was forced to give it up to the orphanage.

I had my baby today and she was taken out of my arms I wish I could have held her longer but I put my last key in her blankets so she could be protected when she grows up. When Zeref took her away he told me I could name her and he would give her to an orphanage. I named her Nashi and prayed she would find a loving family like I did in Fairy Tail. If only her father could see her I don't even think he knows she exists... Natsu I pray you find your daughter one day. Sincerely Lucy.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Chiyo was trying to get my attention.

"Are you crying? Is everything okay?" She asked worried, Seiko, Miku and Ryuu stood behind her. The tears I didn't even know I had shed were falling as I tried to wipe them away with no avail. I simply shook my head to her questions.

"Where's Natsu?" I let a shaky breath and tried to ask even though my voice shook. I stood looking for him... my father.

"That's what we were going to tell you, he ran out and our parents followed, we don't know what's going on." Chiyo told me obviously worried.

"Is there anyone who can follow him?" my voice was louder and the tears were going away.

"I can track him if we leave now." a small voice piped up from behind me and I spun around to see a young adult with long dark blue hair and her hand held tightly by a man the same age with brown hair. They were followed by a another flying cat. "I'm Wendy and this is Romeo I can track him and if we leave now we might catch up to him." I nodded my head and she kissed Romeos cheek before taking of out the doors running as I followed.

After a while we could hear shouting and I didn't need Wendy to track where they were. I ran into a clearing where I saw Natsu backed with the mages that ran after him across from Zeref obviously about to fight. I held the key my mother gave me, how is this supposed to protect me? The celestial Mage we met said it opened a gate or something.

"Wendy do you know how I use this." I held out the key and a flash of surprise went across her face. She thought for a moment before responding.

"I don't know how you got that but I think Lucy said something about opening the gate and saying the spirits name." Her voice trembled and I wondered if she knew my mother personally, I'd have to ask her after. I decided to say whatever felt right and concentrated even if it was difficult with the sounds of fighting and yelling. My mind went blank and I heard a small voice chanting I decided to say what the woman's voice said to me.

"Open the gate of the lion! Leo!" I shouted this and the key lit with a bright light and a man stood before me with orange hair that looked like a lions mane.

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