Camping Day

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Jay's P.O.V.:

My alarm went off and I woke up. I noticed Nya was still asleep and we had some time before we had to leave, so I decided to get dressed and get the kids up myself.

Nya and I were taking the kids to meet Cole and his family for a fun camping trip in a cabin in the woods for the weekend. It was a small cabin with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a small living space and a kitchen. It was quiet and perfect place to relax and get away from things.

"Ok kiddos, who's ready for the camping trip?" I asked my twins as I walked into their bedroom.

"I'm ready Daddy!" Lily excitedly jumped out of her bed fully dressed.

"Dad, it's five o'clock in the morning." Jax groaned and hid back under the covers.

"Come on sport all you gotta do is get dressed and then you can sleep in the car, ok?" I said.

"Fine." He rolled his eyes and reluctantly got out of bed.

"That's better." I said. "Now let's get a move on kiddos, we're supposed to meet Cole, Seliel and Allison there in a few hours."

"Yes Dad." They both said.

Then I decided to wake Nya up. She seemed really tired.

"Good morning sweetie." I said as she woke up.

"Morning blue Jay." Nya said yawning. "Are the kids up yet?"

"Yep, I got them up myself. They're awake, packed and ready to go, or Lily is at least."

"Thank you." Nya yawned again.

"You look tired." I noticed. "Did I keep you up with my snoring again?"

"No, I leaned how to tune that out long ago." She said. "Zane had a problem last night and needed my help so I had to lend him advice."

"Oh ok. I'll do the driving if you want to catch up on your sleep before we get there." I offered.

"That'd be amazing, thank you."

We got everyone in the rental car, because it was too far to take the dragons, and drove out to the cabin. Other than Jax asking "are we there yet?" every five minutes and the occasional fight between the twins, it was a pretty nice drive.

After a few hours we were finally there. We met up with Cole and Allison outside the cabin. Cole told us that Seliel had something come up and she would meet up with us tomorrow morning.

By the time we unpacked and got everything situated it was already nightfall. The kids were hungry and anxious for something fun to do, so we all went out front to the fire pit and made a came fire. We had a lot of fun making s'mores and telling stories.

"...and the ghost was never seen again." Jax finished his scary story.

"Yeah like ghosts really exist." Allison rolled her eyes.

Nya and I both gave Cole a look and he put his hand over his mouth and shook his head no. I guessed that meant he never told Allison about the time he was a ghost or anything about Marro, Yang or any of those adventures. I can't remember if we told the twins those stories or not, but if we did they were probably too young to remember.

I couldn't help but I wonder why he chose not to tell her. I would have to ask him about that later once all the kids were asleep.

Cole's P.O.V.

After a few hours we all went inside and played a few board games until the kids got tired and went to bed.

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