The Quiet One's Niece: Part 1

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Blake's P.O.V.:

I got back into bed and tried to go back to sleep, but I still felt guilty. I felt so tired but I still couldn't sleep. I was even starting to make myself sick because of all the sleep I missed.

Before I knew it my alarm clock rang and it was morning. My mom came into the room to wake Trent and I up.

"Morning boys." Mom said.

"Good morning Mommy." Trent smiled and jumped out of bed.

"Morning Mom." I set up and coughed.

"Hey Trent, why don't you go downstairs and get some breakfast with your dad, ok?" Mom told him.

"Ok Mommy." Trent said leaving the room.

"Blake are you feeling ok?" Mom felt my forehead. "Well no fever, but you still don't look so good. Have you been getting enough sleep?"

"No, I haven't been able to sleep at all." I frowned and sneezed. "Achoo!"

"Well Mr. Lloyd said that Ryder got to go home yesterday and that somehow he's almost completely healed." She said.

"That's great, but I still feel guilty about what happened." I frowned.

"Blake don't worry about that. What happened to him wasn't your fault." Mom said. "Wait here, I'll bring you some medicine for that cold something to eat."

"I'm not hungry, and I'm not sick either." I said coughing. "I'm fine."

I tried to get out of my bed but I got dizzy when I stood up and held my head in pain. My mom had to help me back into bed.

"Easy son." Mom said. "You need to stay in bed today ok?"

"But I have to help Dad figure out who did this to Ryder." I lied.

"I'm sure your dad has that all under control." Mom said. "You need to stay in bed and rest."

"But I..."

"No buts!" She yelled.

"Fine." I grumbled.

"Now try to get some sleep ok?"

"Ok Mom, I'll try."

She left the room and still couldn't get to sleep. I just hope that Ryder wouldn't do anything stupid and get himself into trouble.

Ryder's P.O.V.:

I woke up and my ribs were still a little sore, but I got up and got myself dressed anyway. I went downstairs and my parents were already up, but Ashley wasn't. It made sense because she was pretty exhausted when we got home from the hospital.

"Good morning Ryder." Mom said to me.

"Morning." I said to them both.

"How are you feeling today bud?" Dad asked.

"I feel great." I told them. "It feels so good to wake up in my own home again."

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