30-Bonjour, ma chère belle fille.

Start from the beginning

While he was standing in the doorway talking to Tiara, she had a few minutes to think about the baby growing inside her, and how her life was going to be changing forever. As scared as she was, she felt excited, and happy for who she chose to have a child with. She raised her hand, and wiggled her finger, wanting him to come over to her.

As he walked over and stood next to her, her hands reached up and pulled him down to her, hugging him. She felt tears filling her eyes, and released her arms from around him, and pulled him in for a kiss, showing him how happy she was. He pulled back, and smiled as he looked at her "Our lives will only be getting better from here on out... love you mamma."

"Love you too."

He sat back in his chair, and turned on the doppler machine, "Ready to hear the heartbeat?"

"Yes," she nodded.

Hearing the baby's heartbeat, had them both feeling in awe, and more in love than they were moments ago. "I just need to do a cervical exam, aka pap smear." he chuckled. "Then I'm going to bring you over to Lakeisha, and have her finish with the pregnancy tests."


"Because, I still need to have your blood drawn, and tested as well as your urine sampled... it's all common procedures with the first pregnancy exam... you should know that." he winked.

"Yea I know, but I didn't think I would have to do all that, being that we're together."

He chuckled, and leaned down to her face, kissing her nose. "Still have to do it, and make sure all is good... you have to remember this is your first pregnancy, so don't be so stubborn about this."

After he gave her a pap smear, he handed her the pictures he took, and walked her over to Lakeisha, instructing her about the blood work needed, and not to forget the urine sample. "I hate needles." Victoria groaned, as Lakeisha tied the band around her upper arm.

"It's not so bad." she giggled. "I only have to poke you once, and get the blood needed from that one draw." she explained, then looked at her with a smile. "By the way, congratulations to you, and Dalton."

"Thank you."

After she drew Victoria's blood, she noticed how white in the face she became, and gave her a cup filled with sprite, and had her sit for a bit, not wanting her to pass out. She finally finished with her tests, and headed to her office. "Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!" Tiara said excitedly as Victoria sat in her chair.

"Thanks... I'm a little nervous, and scared about it, but happy."

"You've got a good man that'll take good care of you, and that baby... you're extremely lucky to have who you have."

"I know, and I'm glad for that... if it weren't for him, I'd still be on the pill."


For the next week, Victoria hung out with her brother, sister-in-law to be, and her new nephew. The night before they were set to leave for their two-week vacation, Victoria hung out with Analyn and Jonah, while Dalton and Rhett went out to have some drinks.

Rhett and Dalton sat at the bar talking, Rhett picked up his drink, and curiously looked at Dalton. "I don't know how you did it, and I'm curious... how the hell did you get that stubborn ass woman to give you a child?"

"Why do you ask that?" Dalton asked, while sipping on his scotch.

"Because I know her... I'm not sure if she told you, but when she was ten years old, my parents left us for the weekend with my aunt, and uncle while they went out of town. My aunt put our cousin down for a nap, and later in the afternoon, Victoria walked into the baby's room to check on her while my aunt was in the shower, and ran out of the room, yelling the baby wasn't moving or breathing. After seeing what my aunt and uncle went through, from losing their child, to the funeral, the years of depression my aunt went through, and the blaming game between my aunt and uncle, she created a fear of babies, and for years vowed to everyone she would never have kids."

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