30-Bonjour, ma chère belle fille.

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Come Monday morning, Dalton was anxious to see the bean he planted into Victoria and was curious to see how far along she was, that when they got to work, he immediately had her go into an examining room, and brought in the ultrasound machine.

She laid on the table, raised her shirt, and waited for him to squirt the gel onto her stomach, as she watched him set up the machine. "Are you excited to see what we created?" he asked, removing the top off the tube of gel.

"I feel nervous."

"Why?' he asked, chuckling.

"What if I was wrong? What if it was a fake positive? It happens a lot, women come in here all the time saying they are pregnant after taking a test at home, then find out differently."

"Yes, I know... it does happen, but those tests are mostly accurate. Besides, I know you are, I can see it, and feel it."

As he placed the wand on her stomach, her eyes closed, and her heart began to pump harder and faster. Worried she was going to hear she wasn't pregnant. He stared at the screen, and started moving the wand around, then stopped and smiled, when he found what he was looking for.

He turned his head towards her, and gave her a nudge. "Open your eyes silly..."

She opened one eye, and looked at him, refusing to look at the screen. "I'm not pregnant, am I?" she said quietly.

He smiled, and pointed. "Look, see for yourself."

She took a deep breath, opened her other eye, and rolled her head to the side. "You are in fact seven weeks pregnant..." he says, then pointed out the baby, and its features. "There's it's arms, legs, and eyes." he said in awe. Seeing his own child on screen, instead of one of his patients, had him feeling different kinds of emotions he's never experienced before. His heart was melting, and tears of happiness started forming in his eyes. He couldn't believe he was finally getting the child he had long wanted, and that it was Victoria who was giving him that dream, the one who claimed she never wanted children.

Seeing what he was showing her on the screen, a tear rolled down her cheek. She couldn't believe she was pregnant, and was at a loss for words as she stared at the screen. She could see the arms and legs he was pointing at, and when he pointed at the baby's heart, she felt her heart double in size.

 She could see the arms and legs he was pointing at, and when he pointed at the baby's heart, she felt her heart double in size

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He looked at the time, and stood up "Shit... clinic should be opening soon, and I think I forgot to put the flags out." he says, opening the door. As he flipped the flag, Tiara was walking by and stopped.

"Have you seen Victoria?" she asked.

"Yes, she's in here, we should be done shortly." he says with a smile and wink, then giving her a thumbs up. Tiara curious as to what they were up to, rolled her hand out over her stomach like she was pregnant, questioning him if she was.

Another smile crept up her face when he raised his thumb, letting her know she was, and began clapping excitedly. "YES!" she squealed.

He sat back down, and smiled. "I'd like to hear the heartbeat, how about you?"

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