Chapter 17 - Haruhi's House

Start from the beginning

"What?!" They all screamed except Haruhi and Kyoya.

"Why don't you like cake?" The twins questioned.

"I dunno... I mean I can't say I don't like all cake since I haven't tried it all..." I admitted.

"Then why not just share mine?" Hikaru suggested. "If you don't like I can just eat it. But if you do I don't mind halfing it."

"If you're sure."

Hikaru grabbed the same sorta cake Haruhi had, strawberry sponge. He dug his fork into it and then gestured for me to have some.

We looked at each other and by the shade of light pink we both went at that time I think we both had the same thought before remembering we were surrounded by people.

So instead I just took the fork off him and ate it myself, and to my surprise it actually tasted really nice.

"So? What's the verdict?"

"It's reawy gud." I said through a mouth of cake, causing Hikaru to laugh and then myself.

"Then we can share."

He grabbed another fork and we started digging in and I pinched the strawberry while he was distracted talking to Kaoru and Tamaki.

"You better watch out Missy. I will get my revenge." He warned before going back to his previous discussion with the guys.

"Wow. That cake really wet my appetite." Honni stated.

We had all finished eating the cake and drinking the special African tea the twins brought. It was all really nice.

"Yeah, isn't it lunch time right about now?" Hikaru queried.

"So what's for lunch?" The twins and Tamaki sang.

"Will you guys stop being so happy-go-lucky all the time please." Haruhi asked rhetorically.

Kyoya then suggested about paying saying he'll pay using the profit made from selling picture of Haruhi. She then suggested about her friends sushi shop. Tamaki quickly scribbled something on a piece of paper, which Haruhi proceeded to thrown in the bin and glare at him.

"I'd really like it if you'd make us something." Honni cheered.

"I guess I could whip something up but it'll take some time." Haruhi told the happy midget.

"We can wait!" He beamed.

"I'm gonna have to go to the supermarket again." Haruhi mumbled.

Then everyone cheered and got up to go with her.

"Commoners supermarket, commoners supermarket!" The twins cheered as they skipped down the stairs.

"Meet you on the ground." I waved to Haruhi.

She waved back and went to get her bag.

When I exited the door and went down the metal bridge path thing, I passed a odd looking woman.

That's when I got an idea

"Hey twinsest!" I called to Hikaru and Karou.

"Stop calling us that!' They yelled back together.

"You know that 'woman' that just passed us?"

"What about her?"

"Would you wanna make a bet?"

"What kinda bet?"

"I bet you guys half of my host club money and meal at mine for a month, that that 'woman' that just walked by was Haruhi's dad."

"No way!"

"Wanna bet?"

"Okay then. We bet ¥300,000 (About £2000) that that lady is not Haruhi's dad."

"And I bet you a weekend stay at mine that it is her dad."

We shook hands to seal the bet. We suddenly heard a loud crash come from Haruhi's apartment.

We saw Tamaki wedged into the wall and the 'woman' keeling down by Haruhi

"Hey Haruhi, whose this fine 'lady'?" I asked almost laughing at the irony.

"This ain't no Lady. This is my dad."

I looked towards the twins.

"Pay up." I smirked, rubbing my fingers and thumb together.

"Fine. Here" Karou handed me a waud of cash, containing ¥150,000. "How did you even know that?"

"Hmmm... I wonder..."

Kaoru handed over his half and I looked to Hikaru expectantly, who instead gave me a piece of folded up paper.

*How about I spend it on you instead ;)*

I rolled my eyes in an attempt to keep the blush on my cheeks down, folded the paper back up and shoved it back in his hand.

"Sure." Was my simple answer, trying to hold back a smile.

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