Chapter 19: Uphill

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Rubi and Gaku slept soundly, curled against one another in a kind, understanding embrace. There was no one better she could have had the experience with.

When the sun rose, they quietly ate breakfast together, not needing to talk, enjoying each other's company and waiting for the others to wake up. It was nice. She had not expected to feel warmer and closer to him after deciding not to go ahead. This was what people meant when they said intimacy was more than indulging primal urges. It was feeling truly connected. Such a thing was not just restricted to fairytales.

Everybody went down to the dock to say goodbye. They flocked down to the water's edge in an affectionate rabble, joking and jostling, sad to see each other go but happy to know they would see each other again soon.

Gaku gave Rubi a strong, earnest hug, the winds billowing in the sails of the Wanderlust behind them like the cover of a cliche romance novel Rubi might have enjoyed as a teen.

It's funny, she thought, how you think you outgrow those things. Maybe you never do.

It was a wonderful day to set sail. Bright, breezy and mild. Kiramaru embraced everyone in a bear hug that could squeeze the air out of anybody - except perhaps Mimi, who did not seem to rely on air like the rest of them. This time, Kagemaru did not try to escape, accepting the hug a little stiffly. Take'Ichi had joined them too, wearing a large hooded jacket to cover himself in case of any unexpected gender changes.

Once they were in the hills and mountains they would be far from prying eyes, and he could hopefully wait out the symptoms without being discovered. Who knew how long that could take, or if it would ever stop.

Hiiro and Rubi had helped Gaku and his crew restock so that they could be on their way in good time. There was something about rolling barrels of fresh water up the gangplank that Rubi found very satisfying. The Wanderlust was two or three times the size of the Disaster, since it had double the crew. The cargo space was enormous, so lowering in the supplies by winch to Artair and Bradach below deck was their best option.

Udi and Sino-Ji were poring over an unexpected gift of sweets and spices from Aunt Chandra. Zodwa was checking the rigging, able to assess and tie knots with amazing speed and finesse. Today they had bold red lips and rose-gold eyelids, and Udi sported a nice red kiss print on his cheek.

Rubi bid a quiet goodbye to the Disaster, running her hands over the hull gently. Gaku would treat her well, but this ship was her home. There was nowhere in the world she would rather be than in her bed down inside her quarters, sailing towards the next opportunity with her friends.

"I'll see you in a month." Gaku promised Rubi. "Be safe."

"I will." she replied. "What about you, Hiiro? How will we know you got home safe?"

"I'll send word." he said. "I'll find a trade ship to take a message to the Daikoku parliament. They'll take a letter from a royal. But you'll have to tell them who you are to receive it."

Rubi nodded.

"Yeah, I understand. I'll break cover if it means I can hear from you."

"They should be able to keep your identity secret." Hiiro assured her. "Most ministers of parliament wouldn't dare to mess with royal orders, even foreign ones."

"Where to from here?" Gaku asked him.

"To the market to get a mule. Then north passed the sea border, and west towards Migiue."

"Best of luck, my man." Gaku replied. "I hope it all goes well. Goodbye, until next time."

"Bye, my friend."

Tsuki  ✔️COMPLETETempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang