Poofless (Our Last Kiss)

Start from the beginning

"I-I'm fine," I chuckle sadly, tears still sliding down my face.

"No, you're not. I'm coming over- er, wait, you probably don't want that..." My eyes widen as he trails off, because, hello, that is exactly what I want. "Oh. Oh, you... you probably didn't even mean to call me in the first place," he laughs, trying to sound like it doesn't bother him. "I-I'm sorry. You're probably feeling really awkward now, I know you hate that, I'll just... I'll... yeah, I'll go..." I can hear his shaky breath as he prepares to hang up, and I can't help the shout that escapes my lips.

"No! Please, Rob, please don't go," I beg him as more salty drops of water roll down my cheeks. "Please, I, I really need you right now!"

Rob's breath hitches. "Seriously? You don't... you don't hate me?"

"No, not at all," I sob, not even trying to hide my tears anymore. "Please come over, I just need someone to hold me, Rob."

"I'll be right there."

Ten minutes later, Rob is barging though my unlocked apartment door and taking in my broken form on the couch. "Preston," he breathes sadly, immediately moving to sit next to me. "C'm'ere."

I let out a huge sob as I fall into his open arms. "R-Rob," I cry, unable to make any other sound.

"Shh, buddy, it's okay," he coos, combing his fingers through my hair just like he used to. "It'll be alright." He pauses for a second and then asks, "What's wrong?"

"I- She- I-" I give up, partly because I don't want to hurt his feelings by saying I'm heartbroken about my girlfriend leaving me, but mostly because I am emotionally unable to say it.

"Is it your girlfriend?" he asks, frowning. Stupid Rob, knowing me too well.

I nod slowly, taking in shaky breaths as I try to stop crying. "Actually, it's more the fact that I don't have a girlfriend anymore."

Rob sighs, hugging me closer to him. "I'm sorry, Preston," he says quietly. "I'm so sorry."

"I-It's okay," I reply, for some reason wanting to look strong in front of him. "I'm okay."

"No. No, you are not," Rob says sternly, pulling away from me but keeping his hands on my shoulders as he stares into my eyes. "You are not okay, but eventually you will be. Eventually you will realize that she was a fool not to love you when she had the chance, because you are perfect, Preston. Perfect. If she can't see that now, she'll see it later, and then she'll regret ever letting you go. And hopefully, by then, you'll be with another girl who actually loves you and makes you happy."

Ignoring the slight tone of defeat in his voice, I nod and curl into his chest again, already feeling so much better but still unable to keep the tears from soaking my face. He wraps his arms around me once more, and I smile just a little bit, because this is nice. It's nice to have someone actually love you.

I want to have this all the time.

Rob loves me. He told me so. He wouldn't break up with me for some other dude if we dated, would he? No, he wouldn't. He loves me.

I want to be loved.

"H-Hey, uh... Rob?"


"C-Could we... would you mind if we... Can we go on a date?"

Rob's eyes widen almost comically as he pulls out of our hug, and I wince. What if even he hates me now? What if he's gotten over his feelings for me, and he's just being a good friend? What if he's dating, like, Matt or someone now?

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