4. Healing past wounds.

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"Okay, '' announced Hannibal, smiling, '' I will start by cleaning the blood dripping from your eyebrow then do the same for your lips." Focused on his friend's face, Hannibal leant a bit closer but it didn't seem intrusive. "It might sting a little" affirmed the doctor as he sprayed antiseptic on a cotton pad before gently dabbing on the Lamb's open wound. When he was done with the brow, Hannibal leant closer again taking a closer look at Will's originally pink lips covered in blood "..." the Beast allowed silence between him and his patient.

Will exhaled softly through his mouth, afraid the other would be able to feel it, he quickly shut his mouth, tilting his head to the side. This was all so strange to him. So very strange to his mind.

Hannibal's eyes got back to Will's as he felt the warm breath against his cheek "..., he hesitated before questioning, Will, are you sure you're ok?" Hannibal started to feel a hot tide lightly heating his body up. Was the alcohol only taking effect now? As he leant back, not breaking eye contact, the Doctor noticed how close he was to his friend. "Hah.." he chuckled a bit, surprised a wounded animal like Graham would let him get so close.

Will shook his head once more, biting down on his lip. "No, I'm fine.." he whispered, moving a hand to his lip to scratch it.

Hannibal suddenly and hungrily seized Will's hand "you.. you shouldn't scratch a bruise you just cleaned, pretended the doctor, unless you want me to clean it again". As a small laugh, Hannibal ran over and over the image of Graham biting his own lips, the same warm tide travelled from the Host's feet to his ears. Still holding his younger friend's palm, he looked at it then made another eye contact waiting for a response.

He bit down on his lip harder this time, glancing down at their hands. Slowly, he tried to release himself from the others grip, scared of his hand getting hurt more than it already have been. He didn't say anything, just glancing away again.

Not getting the eye contact he was longing for, the Beast let go of the Timid hand and softly sighed. He didn't want to scare him. "Are you hurt anywhere else?" whispered Hannibal he also glanced away, provoking the younger one

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