Chapter 1 The Prologue (Edited)

Start from the beginning

"Ughh!!" I finally turned off the alarm and went back to sleep, feeling relaxed. One day I think I am going to throw that alarm clock against the wall like in the movies.

"Aurora!! Mom says to wake up or we are all going to be late for school!! Josh shouted from outside my bedroom door while repeatedly banging it.

I started to get annoyed. "Ughh!! 5 MORE MINUTES!!" I yelled out

"Rise and shine Auri," says my brother Alex from outside my door.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs and I heard Mom's voice "Aurora wake up! and boys, please hurry up now and change, get downstairs and eat your breakfast before we leave" Then I heard her footsteps again going back down the stairs.

"If you don't wake up, I'm going to dump a bucket of cold water on you.....Again!!!" says Alex.

With that, the sudden memory of when I was 8 years old came flashing back. When Alex dumped that ice-cold water onto me as a prank. Scared, I woke up and went straight to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

"Fine! Just wait a minute" I said while rushing to the bathroom.

Almost every morning, everyone would wake up early except for me, my brothers had to scream at me from my bedroom door to go and wake me up since middle school. Can you blame me? I love to sleep. Who doesn't? And that is because I would sleep late at night, I don't know why but on certain days I would just stay up and admire the beauty of the night. I just feel so refreshed seeing it, especially if it is a full moon.

Sometimes when I do go to sleep I am a very light sleeper, whenever I hear someone talking late at night most probably would be my dad to my mom when he comes home late from work or the footsteps of my siblings going downstairs to get a bite to eat. But today is a different reason because I was dreading this day.

I finish tying my wavy brown hair into a simple ponytail and put on my plain blue blouse and baggy pants, wearing my glasses, grab my bag and phone and rush out of my bedroom door and slowly go down the stairs, I then hear my brothers talking amongst each other with mom there.

"Why does she always spend so much time in the shower? "says Josh

"Girls "Alex replied

"And why did she get the room with her bathroom while we all have to share?" says Nick frustrated.

"It is because, for the past 15-16 years, she has been living in a house of mostly men, she is at that age where she needs privacy. She isn't 5 years old anymore, not like when you were babies and you were all bathing in the same tub together. She is growing up and becoming a woman soon." Says mom.

I went down to the kitchen and saw my brothers sitting around the table and Mom talking to them, then Josh noticed my presence.

"Finally!! the princess has come to grace us with her presence!" says Josh dramatically with a smug look on his face and his arms wide apart. While the rest of my brothers chuckle. I just look at them angrily and quickly sit down.

"Stop it. Now you are all starting a new school in a new place. It's a fresh new start for all of you which means no more mischievous acts from you boys especially you Alex" says Mom as she looks at Alex, Josh, and Nick. "And it also means to try new things like to join a club or make new friends BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY...

"Always watch each other's back no matter what," says both me and my brothers in sync since this is our mom's most important rule that we must follow.

So, to say the least, my name is Aurora Rosella Rossi and I am 15 years old well turning 16 in the next 2 months anyway and yeah, I know my mom says a NEW school. Meaning we just move out of our old town and move to a new place with better schools and better homes because my dad who is an accountant got transferred to this new firm in a new city and...

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