Cake // After Midnight by blink-182

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**I am not trying to romanticize mental disorders in any way shape or form, I just thought of this from watching the blink-182 after midnight music video so pls don't hate me**

"Do you grin inside? You're killing me. All along we talked of forever. I kind of think that we won't get better. It's the longest start, but the end's not too far away. Did you know I'm here to stay?"

Luke's p.o.v

Being me really freaking sucks. I've been diagnosed with minor depression. So mainstream. My day consists of taking the pills they give me and feeling like utter shit. When I say 'them', I mean the doctors. They're nice to me, but I can tell they don't really care. I haven't had a proper conversation with anyone in a while. I miss my friends. My family visits me, but it's just not the same. The doctors told me that I'll be able to walk around and react with the other patients soon. Their 'soon' isn't my soon enough.
"Hello, Lucas. How have you been doing?" A nice nurse greeted me as she walked into my room. Her name is Charlie. She's a redhead and really nerdy, like me (a/n: any supernatural fans out there!?!?1?1!1!!???!).

"Hi, Charlie. You know you can just call me Luke." I told her. She smiled and walked over to me with a clipboard, writing stuff down as she checked the machines around me.

"I know, but it reminds me of Luke Skywalker and it's just too soon for that." She frowned jokingly and fake cried.

"Charlie, it's been almost 40 fucking years." I exclaimed and she gasped, covering her mouth.

"Lucas Hemmings, watch your fucking mouth!" She said with a serious expression. I laughed and she smiled at me, yet again.

"Sorry Ms. Perfect. So, you tell me, how am I doing?" I began fiddling with the IV in my arm. She gave me a sympathetic smile and sat down at the end of my bed.

"How has therapy been going? I hope it's helping. I'm sorry, Luke. I really am. You deserve to be happy. I hope you get better soon." She patted my leg and stood up, walking towards the door. She looked back at me and grinned widely. "But you know, you're allowed to walk around and meet other patients today. Hell, you might even meet a cute boy." She winked at me and was on her way.


It's been awhile since I've had a proper talk with anyone my age. To say I was nervous was an understatement. I walked into the day room and sat down. There were a couple of people in the room and my anxiety started to kick in. There was two girls, one with what looked like some sort of twitch and another who was picking at her arm. They looked much younger than me. There was a group of three boys next to me on my right. One had bandages around his wrists, one had a scar on his forehead, and one (who looked asian) that looked sort of normal. He saw me staring at him and stared back. I blushed and turned away, fiddling with my fingers. I seem to do that a lot. I looked back at the group of boys and asian boy wasn't with them anymore. I frowned, thinking he left. All of a sudden, I felt someone tap my left shoulder and I looked up. I found asian boy.

"Hi, may I sit here?" He asked, motioning to the seat on my left. I nodded slowly and took a deep breath.

"I'm Calum, what's your name, cutie?" He smiled, winking. I blushed an even deeper shade of red and bit my pierced lip. I'm not used to people flirting with me, let alone a cute boy.

"I'm L-Luke." I quietly said. He scooted closer to me and faced me.

"So, Luke, what are you in here for?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"Depression. W-Why do you make it sound like we're in jail?" I asked, making him laugh. His laugh was the cutest thing I've ever heard. The way his eyes close up and his nose scrunches up makes my heart flutter.

"Because, old sport, we are confined within the chains of humanity. We aren't free. We are the side effects of society." (a/n: did anyone get the Great Gatsby and tfios reference hA) I didn't expect him to sound so intellectual, if I'm being honest.

"True. Now tell me why you're here, Aristotle." I scoffed jokingly.

"Bipolar. Just to let you know, I'm not defined by my disorder, and you shouldn't either." He smiled and stood up. "I'll see you later, Luke."

"Yeah, bye." I smiled to myself as he walked away.


I laid in my bed and let my thoughts wander to the events that happened today. Mostly about Calum. I have no idea why he talked to me out of all the people in the room. I'm nothing special. But it's nice knowing that he understands what I'm going through, for the most part. Even my therapist noticed my slight change in mood. I talked a little bit more today. I usually just nod or shake my head as responses to his questions. When he asked me if I met anyone new today, I just blushed. I didn't want to tell him about Calum because I was afraid that he would tell me something I didn't want to hear. I don't know what that 'something' is, but it's better off completely avoiding the situation. I got comfortable in my bed and was about to fall asleep until I heard a light tap on the door. I stood up and opened the door a bit to see who was making the noise. I grinned when I saw Calum.

"Hey, sleepy head. Ready to have some fun?" He questioned, pushing past me and walking into my small room. I closed the door and faced him. He was sitting on my bed with his legs crossed.

"W-What? But we're supposed to be in bed, s-sleeping." I told him, standing in front of him. He grabbed my wrists and pulled me closer to him. He stood up and leaned in.

"Well, what's the fun in that?" He whispered, making chills run down my spine. Suddenly, he backed away and grabbed my hand. He pulled me out of the room and we ran through the halls, laughing at nothing. We reached the room where they keep our files. He found mine and handed it to me.

"Nonsense, I tell ya. Utter bullshit." Calum said, finding his and tearing it up. I smiled and ripped mine apart also. I didn't even read it, and I don't want to. He giggled and we ran to the pool. He jumped in and I followed suit. When I resurfaced, I was met by Calum's naked torso.

"W-where'd your shirt g-go?" I nervously asked. He just laughed and started to take off his sweatpants, but stopped when he saw my expression.

"Do you not want me to undress?" He mockingly asked. I shook my head and he wrapped his arms around my neck.

"N-not here." I told him, not realizing what I said until it I said it. He grinned and leaned in closer to my face.

"So you do want me to undress, just in private? Oh babe, just tell me when and where." He told me, making me blush. Our faces were so close that our noses were touching.

"Are you... gay, Calum?" I whispered. He nodded and kissed my cheek. I blushed again.

"Yes I am, are you?" He asked, most likely already knowing the answer. He started kissing my neck and I quietly moaned. "I take that as a yes." He said, then connected our lips. His tongue circled my piercing and I opened my mouth for him. I moaned as his fingers pulled at my hair. He began slowly grinding on me, making both of us moan. One of his hands grabbed my hand, leading it to his naked chest. My fingers traced his defined abs down to the waistband of his sweatpants. We pulled away when we heard the door opened.

"Hey, what are you two doing?!" We heard a someone, probably a doctor, yell. We raced out of the pool and ran towards the hall. We ran until we couldn't breathe. When we stopped to take a breather, Calum burst out laughing. I cocked my head to the side and looked at him with a confused expression. He just laughed harder.

"'ve...ever...had." He panted between fits of laughter. Watching him laugh made me start laughing.

"Yeah, it was." I said. He tackled me to the ground in a bear hug. I snuggled up to him and he kissed the top of my head.

"Thank you, Luke." Calum said suddenly, making me look up at him.

"For what?" I asked.

"For making me smile and laugh. Something I haven't done in a long time." He stated, making me blush again.

"You know, I think things won't get better. But with you, maybe they will." I told him. That was probably the first thing I said to him without stuttering. He looked at me and nodded.

"Maybe they will."

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