Can't Go Back

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Everything was fine. The days went by normally, nothing exciting or new ever happening. The same old routine every single damn day. Then, everything changed. The apocalypse happened. Suddenly, nothing was the same. Now, there's only dead people we call screamers walking around. Everything changed all of a sudden, and now we can't go back.

Chapter 1

"Luke, wake up! Time for school!" I hear my mother yell from downstairs.

"I'm up, I'm up!" I reply, hoping she'll stop yelling at me to get up. I roll out of bed and fall to the ground, picking myself up. I stagger to the bathroom to clean up. Soon, I've stripped out of my clothes and under the running water from the shower. I only take about a five minute shower, then I get out and get dressed. I run some gel through my hair, quiffing it a bit. I walk out of the bathroom, grab my backpack, and run downstairs to say goodbye to my mother.

"Bye mom, see you later. Love you." I say to her. I kiss her cheek and walk outside to my car. I get to school after a ten minute drive and walk inside to my first period class: science. I sit down next to my best friend, Calum.

"Hey Luke, what's up?" He asks as I sit down.

"Nothing much. Have the teachers been giving us a lot of homework lately or is it just me?" I laugh. Calum smiles and nods. All of a sudden, there's a loud crash from the hallway and everyone in the classroom stands up.

"What was that?!" Some kid with black hair says. A lady with long brown hair and red blood stains on her fingers suddenly bursts into the classroom, making everyone gasp.

"Lock your doors and turn on the news now!" She yells before running out of the room, slamming the door. The teacher instantly locks the door and turns on the tv.

"What the hell is going on?!" Another kid asks. The teacher just shushes him and closes all the blinds on the windows.

"Get in the corner farthest away from the door!" She whisper-yells. The class obeys and we stuff ourselves in a corner of the room. Calum and I exchange looks of horror and fear as we wait for the news to come on.

"... Fear on the streets... Bloodied people... Death... Apocalypse..." We hear the news anchor man through thick static. I look at Calum and cover my mouth, trying to muffle my cries. He's starting to sob, along with the rest of the class. Then, we hear loud banging coming from outside the windows. The teacher rushed to the windows to check what's outside. When she sees what's on the other side, she screams and starts to cry. She runs away from the window and cowers in another corner. The rest of the class is curious, so we go to the window and pull up the blinds. On the other side of the window, there was about a dozen people, covered in blood, rotting and screaming, coming towards the school, some already here and trying to break the window.

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