Luke's POV

 My eyes flutter open; my sister no longer occupied the seat next to me.  I rubbed my eyes that were still heavy with sleep. I looked to my left to find Ashton, his eyes closed, and his headphones on his head.

 I sat up in my seat and looked around. Michael still sat in front of me, still no sign of Shaylee though. I looked around some more to find Shaylee next to Calum balling her eyes out and Cal just sitting there. He looked shocked about something.

 I get up, angrily. I'm going to beat the crap out of him if he did something to my sister. "Hey," I yawn, "What's going on?" Calum remained quiet and Shaylee continued to sob.

 "Shay?" I ask, now a little worried, "What's wrong?" She looks up at me, her eyes red and puffy from crying.

"Luke, I-I'm p-pregnant." She cried. My eyes widened. My sister. Shaylee Ava Hemmings. Sweet, quiet, innocent, Shaylee Ava Hemmings, is pregnant. Oh gosh, what was our parent's going to think. 

"Shaylee, who's the father?" I ask through clenched teeth. Calum looks up at me wide eyed and starts to get up. I look up at him and grab his wrist before he could get any where.

"Did you do this to my sister?!" I hiss. Calum remains quiet. "Calum answer me!" I say raising my voice. People start to throw looks at us. 

"Calum Thomas Hood answer me!" I yell. I feel a hand on my shoulder. 

"Sir, please sit down. The other passengers have been sending complaints." The flight attendant whispers. I stare at her for a few seconds and nod my head. I let go of Calum's wrist and  head back to my seat. 

"Really Luke? Really?" Ashton asks me. I flip the finger at him and turn to the window. My best mate got my sister pregnant. How could he do this to her? I'm gonna kill him. 

Although, I shouldn't be just mad at Calum. It takes two to make a baby. My sister was apart of this too. I just can't believe she's pregnant at 18. 

"Luke, what happened?" Michael asks turning around in his seat. I sigh. 

"It's none of my business to tell you. You can go and ask her if you really want to know that bad." I say. Michael nods his head and turns around.

Shaylee's POV

Calum still sat next to me silent. "Calum?" I whisper, "Please say something." He remains quiet. "Cal, there's gotta be something you wanna say." I say.

"A-Are you sure?" He whispers, "You know, if you're definitely pregnant."

"Well, I had all the symptoms of being pregnant and when I took the test it was positive." I reply. Calum just nods his head. Then, it was just quiet for awhile. I could feel eyes boring into the back of my head. I turn to find Luke staring at me. His eyes were red and puffy like he was crying. What could he have possibly be crying about? 

"Um, Shay?" Calum says, breaking the awkward silence. 


"Did uh, you um, talk to your parents about this yet?" He asks me. Oh gosh, my parents, I had totally forgotten about them. What would they say. 

"No, I actually forgot about my parents. I'll tell my mum when she comes in about a week. Or maybe I'll skype her when we land. My dad's gonna be pissed though." I say, "When will you tell your mum and dad?" 

"After you tell yours. I guess." He replied. I nod my head as he did before. He grabs my hand, making a warm sensation tickle my arm. "Listen Shay, I just want you to know I'm here for you. Okay? I want to be apart of this baby's life I really do but, just remember it's gonna be hard." He tells me. 

I smile. That was amazing that he wanted to be apart of the baby's life. I was thankful for that. "That's really sweet Cal. Thank you so much. I do understand it will be hard. Just, as long as you can make it to some scans and be there for when the baby's born, that would be perfect."' I tell him.

"I love you Shay." 

"I love you too Cal."  


Okay, so this was a short chapter. Sorry about that. I went to Walker Stalker Con in the Meadowlands and met 4 people!! Emily Kinney, Chandler Riggs, Steven Yeun, and Scott Wilson!! Tomorrow I'm meeting Norman Reedus! 

I hope you guys liked this chapter!

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<3 Terrilynn 

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