"So why turn her sister against her because you felt this way?"

"I didn't turn anybody against her. Kayla felt the same way."

"Honestly I didn't." Kayla spoke up. "You were mainly the one who thought that Mya was acting different and it was always because of Chris. It was never about her mentioning what she does for us."

"You only switching up now because you and Mya fixed y'all issue." Syren rolled her eyes.

"It's not about us fixing our issues it's just the truth. I know I did my dirt but Syren be real your problem is because of Chris."

"Syren now is the time to be honest. Is your issue with Mya because of Chris?" Sabrina asked.

Syren looked down at her feet, ashamed of what was running through her mind. "She not even really his type. Til this day I don't believe this shit is real. When they first met she put up this big front like she didn't even want him and now they're all in love."

"Oooooh, you want Chris." Tim laughed. "Damn bitch I thought you wanted me. Fooled my ass."

"Jealousy is a disease child, whew." Mariah said.

Sabrina looked over at Mya who was wiping tears from her face. "Why are you crying Mya?"

"Because to know that somebody that you been rocking with since you was kid is jealous of you because of a man is heartbreaking. I never would've though that you would do this to me. You rooted for us and but when we turned away you were praying on our down fall. You fucked up my relationship with my sister over this shit. You pathetic and a snake. Bitch I'll never look at you the same. Next question."

"Okay dri4life34 wants to know why are people always trying to bring you down, Mya and Chris? Why can't anyone just focus on your success?"

"If you ain't got no haters you ain't poppin!" Chris yelled. "Everybody don't wanna see you win unfortunately, it comes with the territory. All I say is fuck em." He shrugged.

"And that's just that on that." Mya added.

Sabrina laughed. "Alright CrystalChambers1 has a few questions. First question, is about the wedding. Any plans? A date? Or a theme? And where will you spend your honeymoon?"

"Date, is probably next year after we hit our one year mark of engagement. We have our colors. With Chris getting ready for tour we haven't had a chance to sit down and discuss much but hopefully we can soon." Mya answered.

"Any more kids?"

"Definitely." Chris responded.

"Probably another girl then a boy. Keep it even." Mya said.

"Mya do you plan on continuing therapy for your anger? She thinks you should." Sabrina read.

"I'm sure everybody does. But yes. I like the head space that I'm in ever since talking to Chris's therapist. I'm definitely going to continue to go."

"preeciousss__ wants to know how it feels to be engaged Mya?"

"It's amazing. I feel like I've barely stopped smiling since the day he proposed."

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