Papa II HCs

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Request: do you have any HCs for Papa II?

- he likes younger partners. not really in a creepy way, but kind of in a creepy way, he would never go below 20, but he likes being the older one. he has money and knowledge to share before he dies and he wants to give it to someone who can at least give good head.

- you'd think excitable and happy people aren't his type, but seeing his s/o giggle and laughing and squeak makes his cold heart warm. he loves it and constantly tries to make them laugh. everyone's extremely confused when they see him telling his s/o silly jokes bc he just don't seem like the joking type.

- constantly trying to hide any and all signs of aging. he's a stubborn old man. no i don't need glasses i just can't see literally anything. even lets his s/o get him into a skincare routine to keep him looking young and maybe get rid of some wrinkles

- hard top in bed. he wants control, and he wants the power, and he'll take it if need be. wouldn't even settle for a power bottom. he needs to be on top and dominating or he's not having fun.

- we know he's stubborn, but he's also competitive. if you challenge him to anything, he'll take it. be it drinking games, video games, who's the most talented at _____, he will do is fucking best to win. the problem is, that he usually does.

- doesn't understand why girls flock to his younger brother so much. he's dumb and inexperienced and a disaster loosely held together by whatever clothing he's wearing. you need a real man, like him!

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