Papas + Copia HC - Catholic Parents

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Request: headcanons? the overbearing super catholic (or another religion) parents of the s/o to papas and copia show up at the church and are very angry and not nice, causing the s/o to become distressed. The parents may even insist the s/o leave the church and return to the parents faith.


Your request is my angry parent hc!

Papa I: Remains 100% calm on the outside, but inside, this man is M A D. But he would never show his true emotions to anyone but you. He calmly asks your parents to slow down, and speak calmly, and address him with the respect he deserves. he has to stop himself from having them removed by a clergy member, because after all, they are your parents. probably the most rational thinker of the papas/copia, ii gets the job done, and everyone leaves happy, and you get to stay!

Papa II: a mixture of papa iii and i, has no idea whats going on, but is still rational about things. "Whats this? Your parents want you to leave? Nay, they demand it? Oh my." asks how you feel and if you would like to stay or leave, promising he will not blame you if you decide to leave, your parents do look pretty angry, and that you're welcome back any time you like. When you tell him you want to stay, he's over the moon. You chose him! but no, you don't have to chose. together you calm your parents and send them on their way. you and only you know where you truly belong.

Papa III: has no idea whats going on At All. youll have to explain to him that why your parents upset, because the idea of someone not being interested in the church/clergy does not occur to him ever. doublethink, if you will. when he finally understands, he's angry. "What do you mean they want you to leave? you're an adult? They can't make you. I wont stand for it!" This really does absolutely nothing to ease your parents, but only strengthens your love for him, because you know he truly cares. in the end, you just disobey your parents, and he spends the rest of the night with you making sure you're okay.

Cardinal Copia: I genuinely think that the cardinal cries when something inconveniences him. not in like an "oh my god everything is horrible i wanna die" way, but i just think he gets very emotional and when he's confront about something he doesnt know what to do about. after calming with his Smelling Salts, he tries to calmly talk your parents out of it. What are their issues with the situation? Why cant you stay? How can this be solved rationally in a way that leaves both parties satisfied?

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