All Members, Breakup HCs

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Request: What would the Papas, Cardi C and the Ghouls do or how would they go on if they and s/o would break up bc it doesnt work ?

Papa I: he's just plain old sad. he doesn't sugar coat it, he doesn't shut himself off. he heals the most healthily out of the entire group. without you in his life, something is missing, but that doesn't mean he cant go on without it. and he will. he'll get his work done, get back to any hobbies he forgot about when all of his spare time was taken up with you, he'll hang out with friends. he's not afraid to let people know when he's upset and when he needs to be alone, and hopes they understand. but he'll call. he'll text. he'll invite you to lunch. he doesn't understand why you two cant just be friends, even after everything. you say that you cant be friends because of everything, and it cuts just a little deeper than the breakup itself. hes losing you. really losing you, forever.

Papa II: he doesn't let himself get invested quickly. he doesn't have crushes, or eyes for everyone, and doesn't have time for the trivial. when he says something, he means it. when he says he loves you, he meant it. and when you told him things were over, you meant it. and he knows that. he's angry for a long time. that he loved you so much, and showed you a softer side of him no one else got to see, and that you could leave him when he thought things were fine. he doesn't call, and tells himself and everyone else that he wouldn't answer if you did. he would. once the heat of anger dies down and the embers cool, hes just empty in a way he wasn't before. there is a space in his heart that should be taken up by you and your smile, but you're not there, so it's vacant.

Papa III: here is your gutted and forlorn papa III im sure you have all thought about. there's a bouquet of flowers in the trash can. he sits on the window sill and stairs outside to the spot in the garden he picked them from, just for you. it stays dark in his house, without your light. he stays in the shower for two long. stays in bed for too long. he just.... lingers. everything he does reminds him of you. the cold side of the bed. cooking dinner just for one, now. the silence in his house without your loud music or tv shows or laughter. he wants to call you, but only tries when he's so drunk he cant breathe anymore. he knows you wont answer, but at least he tries, and at least he gets to hear your voicemail.

Cardinal Copia: if it wasn't extremely serious between you two, he'll act like nothing is wrong and that he knew it was never gonna work, even if he's upset about it. he doesn't want people thinking he got in over his head like they say he does. but if you two talked about getting married, being together forever, soulmates type love, he will spare no expense at trying to forget you. he'll do whatever it takes, things that aren't like him, things he doesn't want to do, hes willing to try anything. he'll drink, and gamble, and sleep around if he has to. but when he's not trying to forget you, he's afraid one day all his efforts might work, and that he really will lose the last of you he has left.

Aether: Aether's Soul Has Left The Chat. he gets the worst out of all of them. III shuts himself out, Copia acts out of character, and II gets angry, but they have nothing on Aether. He won't leave his house for anything, under any circumstances. he has the person who delivers his food and alcohol meet him in the living room. he'll drink himself stupid and drink to keep the hangover off. low energy, he'll piss in bottles in the room so he doesn't have to get up and go to the bathroom. high energy, he will take a bat and smash every single thing in his house and everything you left behind. he doesn't care if he shouldn't be doing it. he doesn't care if people are worried. he doesn't care if his friends need him - at least for the moment, hes so sick of being the kind dad friend. he's sick of letting everyone unload their problems on him, and just taking it, and sick of constantly being nice and open and letting himself get hurt. losing you, that was the last straw.

Swiss: gets drunk about it with the lads the next night. that's about it. he doesn't really like to be sad, so he just doesn't do it. you can say hes bottling it up and repressing, you can say he never cared, but he's just really good at accepting things like this and moving on. the only change is that he spends a little more time alone. most likely to go on vacation to Cuba alone to find himself and relax on a white sandy beach near the ocean. and who does he meet in Cuba? the New love of his life whos way better than the last one. he'll bring home some girl to live with him and bring her to every party, to make you jealous if thats what you say, but he really has already moved on. his infatuation with new toys knows no bounds.

Mountain: a lot of alone time. if he cant be with you he doesnt want to be with anyone. but he takes care of himself. eats, does his work, goes outside, he'll go walk through the forest with his hands in his pockets untl he realizes hes lost, and has to find his way home. most likely to take a vacation, just to get away and find himself and be alone for a while. he gets over it relatively quickly, mostly because hes the one actually taking care of his health while he's going through everything

Rain: He just wants to be with his friends and take his mind off things. he'll talk about his feelings if he's in the mood, but he would much rather get cozy with his friends and watch a few movies or play a board game. even if he's talking about it, and not actively being crazy, he still bottles up a lot of it. he doesn't want to burden his friends or have them thinking he's weaker than they already do, so he keeps a lot more in than he lets out. but after a while, he'll let it out, but only to himself. he'll do the healing and the soul searching to make sure he really is okay again before telling people he is, and especially okay before he ever looks at another person in that way again.

Dew: he doesn't care?? haha! he never cared! he will stop at absolutely nothing to make you feel like shit for ever thinking he loved you or that he was capable of such a thing. hes the one you tell your friends is crazy in the group text. he tells himself he hates you and that he never cared and that he isn't hurt so much so often that he starts to believe it. he starts to accept his own lies as the truth - but that's what he does with everything. he pretends it doesn't exist or matter until it doesn't anymore. one day that man is going to explode and who will be there to pick up the pieces? probably aether if he gets it together any time soon.

Also im still convinced the ghoulettes are in lesbians together so i wrote it as if they broke up with each other for them 

Cumulus: doesnt accept it. things arent over. things cannot be over. she wont let them be over, please lucifer do not let them be over. she would call, but she doesnt have to. they still have to see each other every single day. work together. tour together. Cirrus is still so close, but just out of reach. it doesn't matter who broke up with who or why you can't be together anymore. considers just quitting everything and leaving because if they cant be together she cant stand to be around her every day. maybe if she left she could forget about her. find someone else. she feels guilty at even the thought of someone else.

Cirrus: focuses on everyone else and their problems. no one knows what to do or how to act around them now that they aren't together. now that they aren't even friends. when you're a package deal for so long, people dont want to take sides or lose either one of you, and that makes Cirrus angry. she doesn't understand why everyone else thinks it's such a big deal, and just wants everything to go back to normal. every time she tries to be civil with Cumulus at work, Cumulus just gets upset and leaves, so she feels guilty for even trying. nothing she does can keep her mind off how much theyre both hurting, but that doesn't mean she wont try with everything she can. 

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