Chapter 11

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I woke up With a bright light being shined in my face. I don't really remember what happened, all I remember is that I got shot. I was laying down on a hard surface. I sat up on the surface. I was sitting on a chair that looked like a dentist chair. But, oh this was no dentist. I knew where I was. At. The. Lab. I started to frantically look around. The whole room was white with a huge glass window in front of me. I looked next to me and I saw Louis, passed out in a chair. I also looked to the right of me and saw Casey, kind of waking up, in a chair. I got up and shook her Awake. "Wake up!" I whispered. She groggily sat up in the chair. "Wait, were not where I think we are, are we?" She asked me. She looked sad but Also angry. "Yeah, we're back in the horrible lab!" I told her. "I'm gonna kill him if he touches me!" Casey yelled. "Shhh!" I told her. She stood up from her chair and looked around. "There's a door! Wake Louis up so we can leave!" She said. I quickly went over to the chair Louis was sitting in. I shook him awake. "Wait where are we?" He asked groggily as he sat up. "We're back in the lab and we have to hurry and leave!" I said is I grabbed his arm. This seemed to make him jolt right awake. "Alright, let's get out of here" Casey said as we walked up to the door. "Try to leave and we'll kill you" a voice said over the intercom. It was Dr. Calico. Suddenly, he came through the door and Casey almost fell to the ground. He shut the door behind him. "Ahh welcome back, I hate to threaten you like that, but it's the only way you'll stay!" He said. "Shut up and let us go!" Casey said while she pushed him. "Oh I can't do that!" He said, laughing lightly. "Now, you guys remember getting shot? Right?" He asked. I suddenly reached down to my left thigh, surprisingly, it didn't hurt at all. "What the heck?!!!" Louis yelled as he felt his cheek. "I'm sure I got shot on my cheek, but nothing's here!!" He panicked. "Wait, I don't have a wound either!" I said. "Me neither!!!" Casey said. "Well you see, I hate to tell you like this but, you're immortal" he said calmly. I couldn't think, speak, or breathe at that moment. It's like time stopped. Immortal, that means we can't die!! This couldn't be happening!! "Did you just say....immortal?!!" Casey yelled in shock. "This isn't real, this can't be happening!" Louis panicked. I still could barely breathe. "Why didn't you tell us when we were younger?!!" Casey yelled, her voice cracked as if she was holding back tears. "Because, it just wasn't the right time!" He said. He went over to pat Casey's back. "It's okay" he said before Casey cut him off by saying "Don't touch me!" She used her powers to have vines grow out from the ground. The vines wrapped around Dr Calicos hand and pulled him away from her. He eventually broke out of the vines and they went back into the ground. "Oh, but there is one thing that can kill you!" He said as he pulled a syringe with orange liquid in it out of his pocket. We all seemed shocked, and at a loss for words. "It's called prescription antidote for Immortality. Or PAFI for short" he said holding it out in front of us. "One shot of this, you'd die in less than an hour!" He said. We were now all confused and scared. He could actually kill us with one syringe! I decided to speak up, since nobody else was. "Let us go! You're so sick!!! How could you hide all of this from us!" I yelled. "I wanted to protect you!" He said. That was one of the fakest things I had heard in my life. "That's a lie, you never cared about us!" I yelled. "And where are Victoria and Liam?" I asked. I had totally forgot about them. "Oh well Victoria, she's with Alex" he said. I couldn't believe what he had said. Alex was dead!! Victoria told me he was!! all makes sense now. All of us, are immortal. "Alex...he's been here all this time?!" Louis asked. "Yes, he's tried to escape, but he hasn't succeeded yet" he said. "And Liam, he's with Aiden and Christina" he added. "Wait Aiden and Christina are here?!" I asked. I couldn't believe what he said! Aiden and Christina, we escaped with them two years ago. They're here! "You know what, I'm leaving!" Casey said as she walked around Dr Calico and toward the door. "Me too!" I said as I walked towards the door. Nothing could stop me now! Louis was behind me when I saw Dr Calico grab him by his shirt. He held the syringe next to Louis' neck. "I'll do it Summer! Don't test me!" He said, threatening me. I tried to use my powers, but for some strange reason, I couldn't! "Oh, when you were passed out, I gave you a drop of PAFI so your powers are weakened for now!" He said. I didn't know what to do! "Let him go!" I pleaded. "Yeah! Let him go now!" Casey said. "Oh yeah, I forgot to give you some Casey, so here!"  He said as he pulled out a dart gun and shot a dart into Casey's shoulder. "Ow!" She yelled. She pulled it out and I could she her look immediately change. She looked weakened. The syringe was still pressed against Louis' neck. One push of the needle, he'd be dead. I'd lose him, forever. I could NEVER let that happen. "Let him go!" I yelled making all the chairs in the room float. It hurt my head so much to make the chairs float, but I had to do it. I flicked the syringe out of his hand. I pushed him against the wall and twisted his arm in a fit of range. Dr Calico passed out from the pain. Louis ran over and hugged me. "Thanks summer! How did you do that?!!" He asked. "I just saw you, about to die and...something just clicked inside of me" I told him. "Well thanks, I-I really-" Louis said but Casey cut him off. "Y'all we really have to find the others and go!" She said. We then rushed out of the door.

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