Chapter 10

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"Wait! What about Aiden and Christina? Weren't we gonna find them?" Victoria inquired. She was right, I had completely forgot about them. "Wait, you were? Why?" Liam asked. "I had a plan to gather everyone and show our powers to the world, now I think it's a stupid idea" I said with my head down. "It's not stupid, just very, very, dangerous" Liam said. "If we did that, the police would get us on the spot" He continued. "But still! I like the idea!" Casey stated. Of course she would like it. I wasn't sure if we should call or not. "I mean, I never said I didn't want to do it, but I'm kinda afraid" Liam said. "Hey, you'll be fine" Casey said. "So, are we gonna do this?" Victoria asked. I think everyone had the answer. "Yep" I said. "Totally, but I need to do one thing first" Casey said as she grabbed my phone from my hand. The number had already been dialed in, so she called it. "What are you doing?!" Louis asked worriedly. All of us were confused, we thought we settled on a plan. "Shhh, I've got this." She said. She put the call on speaker phone.
*phone call*
Casey: Hello, can I speak to Dr. Calico please?
Receptionist: Who is this?
Casey: It's Casey, remember me?
Receptionist: Oh dear god!! Honey yes, I remember you!!! Your alive! I'll get him right away!!
Dr. Calico: Casey!! Dear, your not dead!!! I'm so glad to hear from you!!
Casey: Oh, so your not mad that I ran away, and that you couldn't find me? Or are you mad because your little army and policemen couldn't catch me?
Dr Calico: oh, let's not talk about that right now! Are you okay?
Casey: oh, I'm fine. Just trying to avoid the military every day of my life!
Dr Calico: It's been two years...where are the others? And how did you take the trackers out of your phone??!
Casey: Oh, the others! Their none of your business! Here's the thing, we are going to expose our powers to the world in 2 days. To stop us, you call of the cops, and never contact us again. You also give us 10,000 dollars, each!
Dr Calico: My, My, Casey, haven't you grown up yet? But, no. Just come back to the lab, and we can work things out.
Casey: I'd rather die. And I'm pretty sure your way of working things out is not the same as my way.
Dr Calico: Well then, live your life running away from everything you see! And you wouldn't dare, show your powers to the world!
Casey: Watch. Me. Oh wouldn't it be nice to have your whole career turn to dust!
Dr Calico: Casey, listen to me! Don't do this!! If you do, you'll be in more danger than you think you are in right now!!
Casey: Goodbye, remember, in 2 days...
Dr Calico: Oh Casey, this call has revealed to me where you are! My men should be there in about 15 seconds! Can't wait to see you back here!!
*he hangs up*
"Wait! What??" I said. Before I knew it, 10 huge black trucks surrounded us. The trucks were labeled "Calico services". Everyone was panicking. "We're surrounded!!" Louis cried. I wasn't even thinking when I grabbed his hand. "Stay strong, and don't move" I whispered to everyone. We were in one of those stereotypical  circles that you see in movies. Victoria was next to me and she grasped my other hand. One of the people came out of the truck. He looked like a sergeant of the military. He had on a black uniform with 3 badges on his shoulder. He looked like a middle aged man. He had a gun in his hand and started walking towards us. "Hold them, let me approach them first" he said into a walkie talkie. "What do you want from us?!!!" Victoria blurted. "Simple, we want you to come back to the lab, better yet, we're forcing you too" the man said with a gruff low voice. "I'm not going anywhere" Casey spat. "Look I don't wanna do this the hard way,
Just come with me" he said calmly. "Do you know what we're capable of!" Casey yelled. "I do, actually, but I'm not afraid of you" the man said. He was now standing in Casey's face. "Back up" Casey said bitterly. "Listen little girl, don't test me" he warned. "I said back up!" Casey yelled as a gust a wind came in causing him to fall down. "Is that all you got girly?" He mocked. He slowly got back up and pushed Casey to the ground. "Hey! Stop it! Just leave us alone!" I said as I let go of Victoria and Louis' hands. We all were now somewhat scattered away from each other. Casey was getting back up when the man walked over to me. "Sorry, I can't leave you alone! Now get in the truck!" He said as he grabbed my arm. I didn't  want to use my powers because I was afraid of what he'd do to the others. He had a strong grip on my arm. "Let go!" I screamed as he started to drag me away. Suddenly he was punched in the face by an invisible force. He fell to the ground and Louis appeared behind him. "Don't touch her!" He yelled. The man whispered into the walkie talkie. Suddenly,
Almost a hundred men started coming toward us. They were shooting at us. I saw Casey get shot in the chest. I was terrified. Louis held my hand and turned me invisible. They were shooting without looking, I felt a burning sensation in my right thigh. I had been shot. I fell down on my back. The last thing I saw was Louis patting my cheek saying "Oh god! No, summer!!!"

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