Chapter 17

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By the time we decided to come down from the roof it was already 12:45. It was a long day and anymore of would make my head explode.

"I'm heading home see you guys later." I waved bye, grabbed my bag, and left the school. I was walking through the streets where so many people were coming and going to work.

I decided to rest at a coffee shop for a bit. I looked around at all the people here. Mostly old and a few young. Wow no wonder I love this place. A lady came up and took my order, a few minutes later she came back and set it on my table.

I ate my food and had a little bit of the coffee. I payed for everything and left. I was walking home when I noticed something. Screaming. Yes I heard screaming. I walked towards the sound down a dark ally. I peeked down the ally and saw a girl about my age maybe older. She was sitting there clutching her side.

When I looked closer I noticed she was bleeding badly. "Hey are you okay?" I cautiously walked up to her. She looked at me and shook her head. "What happened?"

"A guy he...he had a knife and he stabbed my side." She groaned in pain still holding her side. "Oh...what's your name?" She looked at me. "My name is Alaina, what's yours?"

"Its Yuki." I looked at her. "I see." She replied easily. Is she gonna be okay? I looked at her and she seemed in so much pain. "Okay I'm called an ambulance." She looked at me and nodded.

A few minutes later the ambulance got there and took her to the hospital. I got the name and went there to see how she was. She was strapped up to many machines but she looked better at least.

"You feel okay?" She jumped a bit and noticed it was just me. "Yeah a little, it doesn't hurt as much." She smiled faintly. "That's good." I smiled and we decided to talk for a while.

"When will you be discharged?" She looked at me. "In a week or so." We just talked a little about ourselves after they until hours were over. "Well I'll see you tomorrow and see how your doing." She smile and nodded.

I walked out of the room and headed home to where Lucifer and Rhyuzhaki were waiting for me.

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