Chapter 3

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I was being violently woken up. When I came to everything was dark no light no nothing everything was gone.

"Hey wake up. How long are you gonna sleep?"

"What happened to me. Am I dead?"

"Of course not get up Yuki we need to talk now!"

"Lucifer is that you. Why are you in my dream???"

"Later okay! First you really need to stop passing out! Second I have to tell you something."

"I passed out when and what are you going to tell me!"

Lucifer looked at me his reddish green eyes burning right through my soul as if reading my every thought.

He scared me more now than ever he wasn't really scary but this one time he had the look of someone who's thirsty for blood.

I shivered at the thought and looked down. Damn he's gonna notice I'm scared I can't show any weakness towards him.

"So are you going to just let me keep waiting or will you just tell me already!"

He looked at me and didn't say anything.

"If you got something to say then say it already!"

I yelled at him then realized and covered my mouth quickly. I was pissed off since he wasn't saying anything and I was ready to punch him...but then I realized he was gonna say something.

Lucifer hesitated for a moment looking down then said...

The Darkness I feelHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin