Chapter 8

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"My older brother?"

I looked at Rhyuzhaki with the I don't believe you eyes. He stared at me with pleading eyes.

"Please believe me mom and dad are gone and now your the only one I have left!"

Mom, Dad. Are they okay?


"Mommy look at this!"

I showed mom the flower I drew that day. It was of a rose and tulip both with vibrant splashing colors.

"Oh my Yuki that is very pretty."


"Yup." Mother smiled at me and patted my head.

A little after two hours some guy came up to the door. He was begging for food and a little money. My parents turned him down but then he took out a knife.

I now had red on my face and clothes. Right in front of me my mother fell to the ground and father fought back but he too fell. As the last one left I was about to run when the man grabbed me.

My eyes filled with tears as I struggled to get away. The held the knife to my throat but before he did anything I bit his hand and ran as fast as I could.

I tore through the agreed running as fast as I could. Eventually I dropped to my knees with the tears streaming down my face and blood on my clothes.

I looked at myself and realized I was now alone. I had no one else to turn to. No one.

(Comes back to reality)

Now this guy Rhyuzhaki is saying he's my brother!

"Y....YOUR LYING!" I yelled at him.

"Wait Yuki calm down." Lucifer came over to me.

"He..he's lying. I don't remember having a brother." I was crying and my tears wouldn't stop over flowing.

Rhyuzhaki stared at me with sadness. His eyes looked sad and his face wasn't smiling at all.

"I wouldn't lie to my own sister like that. That would be way to cruel." He whispered with tears now rolling down his cheeks.

He wasn't looking at me or Lucifer instead he was looking at the ground just sitting on the floor crying.

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