Chapter 15

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Abigail Hayes' POV

When I was younger, I was an outcast, a loner. I don't have many friends like my cousin, Ariel, had. She was always the center of attention because she had the most advanced training in magic. We were Ice witches, one of the Common Elements under the Water Division, but my skills will never be the same level as her. It was that one evening when the moonlight from the Blood Moon was shining so brightly and I was alone, on my way home, that I was being attacked by some naughty werewolves when he showed up.

I did not know where he came from or who he was. But all I can see was his red eyes and his lean body that was stepping in front of me, trying to protect me from those werewolves who had crossed the lines. "I suggest you run along, fellas. I don't want to hurt you," his voice was velvety, sinking into my heart as I was lying on the ground, covered with dirt and dried leaves. He was standing so proudly in front of me, trying to protect me from the world as the werewolves' leader was stepping forward.

He smirked as he was looking at me before he turned his attention to the stranger. "What are you gonna do, little warlock?" The leader of the werewolves asked him. The little warlock smirked before he turned to look at me who has dirt smeared on her face. We stared at each other as his ruby orbs were shining under that moonlight. He turned back toward the werewolves before fireballs were shooting out of nowhere, burning the ground and the trees as the werewolves were scattered to save their lives.

"I will not shred you to pieces," he shouted as the werewolves ran away from us. Then, the fire vanished before the warlock turned to look at me as if it did not appear around the forest in the first place. "Are you alright?" he asked me, offering his hand. I looked at his hand before I took it and he helped me up. I nodded as I went up. I stood in front of him and our faces were close to each other, only inches separated us. I drew a sharp breath. I felt something stirred up in me. The warlock smiled. "My name's Clive, what's yours?" Clive asked me as he was looking at me. I blushed, feeling the blood heat my face. I never talked to anyone as I was a loner and I don't have many friends at the academy. Clive was the first friend I ever made.

And I don't want to ruin it. But after knowing my name, he knew that I was not worth his time to be my friend. I need a fake name, a name that was so great that he would not think twice to be my friend and we will—

"My name is Abigail. Abigail Hayes," I blurted out at him. And there's go my future plan, I thought as I closed my eyes, hearing my voice sound so hoarse as if it hadn't been used for a long time. I cleared my throat before I smiled at him, trying to control my first impression still.

Clive smirked. "Well, Abigail Hayes, nice to meet you. I'm Clive Thompson," he said as he held his hand out to shake with mine. I blinked as I was looking at his hand and at his name. Clive Thompson? Isn't he was the promising warlock from the Fire Element Division at the academy to be the High Warlock of Monster Realm one day? I thought before I did what I knew best at that moment.

"Nice to meet you, Clive Thompson," I said as I took his hand and it was the starting of my new beginning with him.


My time with Clive has been more than magical. We were inseparable. I enjoyed every day of my life with him. Whenever I was in the academy, he would come and sit by me for I was always alone whenever I was there but he came once in a while when he was not busy with his practice and studies as well as other kinds of stuff that he had going on in his academy life.

One day, he did something unexpected.

"So, I thought we should go out for a picnic if you're free this weekend," he said as he was eating his food when we're on our luncheon. Clive always had the best food for his family was one of the founding families for Monster Realm as well as the other four families. They were like the aristocrats of this realm.

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