Chapter 14

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Connor O'Sullivan's POV

When you were born into this mad world, you never heard those 3 words. At least, not in the way that I was raised in. I was born in the Monster Realm when all that mattered was who was at the top of the food chain. The only rule that I have learned my whole life was to be strong or be eliminated. That's about it. After hearing what Alice said after our first time together, all my toughness, my strength was crumbling.

I let Alice had her share of sleep as I can see that I had exhausted her. When she was asking the question that I have shared my bed with any woman before, I lied to her. It was her first time, I get that. I don't want to ruin the fact that I had been with a lot of women when I was younger. I was not proud of my past but it was my past, nonetheless. "Huh," I sighed as I was looking outside the bedroom that we shared, standing by the window whilst I was staring at the lively night of the Monster Realm. Every day here was just like Halloween. I looked at those folks that were considered monsters, by human's standards, that were roaming the streets as I heard some grumbling on the bed.

I turned around to look at Alice who was tossing and turning as she was sweating furiously. I went to her side as I put down my champagne flute and held her head. "Alice? Alice, hey, wake up, my love," I said softly as I was trying to make sure that she was alright. She was writhing, mumbling incoherently and her forehead was abundant with sweats.

She was shaking her head. "No, get away from me. Stop! Please," she whispered as I was trying to contact Clive.

What is it? he asked as I was talking psychically with him. I was rubbing my dry mouth as Alice was grunting and mumbling again.

What's wrong with her? I don't know what to do, I said as I was trying to ask for a cure so that she would stop having a nightmare. If there was one that Clive can provide for me.

It's the bond. After you claimed her, she will have a transformation to reveal who she is. She was having some identity crisis as she was receiving her power. Relax, Connor. Nothing will hurt her, Clive said before he was silent. I sighed. Suddenly, when I was about to wake Alice up, something happened. "Argh!" I shouted as I was flying across the room. I was being shot by Alice's powers as she was floating above the bed, her hair was flying everywhere as I can sense the burning heat from her body.

"What the—?" I exclaimed as I looked at her. Alice opened her eyes but they were not her normal amber orbs for they were icy blue as glaciers. Her hair also transformed as her raven black hair was changing into rusty red. I felt like I have seen these changes earlier but before I can say anything, Alice smiled wickedly as her hands were bright with red lights.

"Hello, Clive," she said but her voice was overlapped with something else. To be precise, someone else. Instantly I knew who she was. Abigail, that wretched witch. Abigail smirked as she floated down, covering Alice's nudity with something like a Medieval maiden would wear, a kirtle gown with a red cape that flared behind her. "So," she said as her feet touched the ground, looking at her surroundings before she was focusing on me again. "This is where you've been hiding for the past centuries. That's why I don't find you anywhere," she said as she went to take the champagne flute that I abandoned and drank it in one gulp. She chuckled darkly as she licked her lips.

Abigail looked at the flute. "Well, well, champagne. What a nice touch," she said as I was trying to escape from here. I inched toward the door gradually, not wanting her to notice before I felt like I was being held by an invisible glue that stuck me to the floor. I twisted and turned but to no avail, I was stuck to the floor, standing on my two feet. "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I say that you can leave?" Abigail asked me before I was slammed toward the wall, being held by her invisible hands.

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