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Alice Hughes' POV

"Come on, Alice, you're going to be late for the party!" Nora shouted from the front door. I don't want to make her wait for me as her boyfriend was already there.

"Coming!" I said as I was getting my cat's ear as I went outside of my room. It was the first time for me to join a Halloween party when I did not even have been to one before. I was never big enough until I went to college where my parents no longer controlled me.

"Wow, Alice, you look nice today," James said as he looked at me. Nora was smiling happily as I was putting the car ears on my head.

"Yeah, haha, very funny," I said as I looked at them before hugging James. "How are you doing?" I asked him as he just shrugged and said he was just doing fine.

"Come on, you guys, we need to go like now!" Nora said as she pushed us toward James' car.

"Okay, sweetheart, let's go," he said before he opened the door, Nora was on the shotgun and I got on the back seat. "Okay, let's go have the best party of our lives," James said as he drove off from the porch of our apartment toward the destination of the party.


"Come on, come on, they started already," Nora said as she pulled James to her side. I was walking from behind as I don't want to get any attention at this party. "Can't you see? Everyone is staring at you," Nora whispered when we entered the house. Okay, now I felt subconscious of my choice of clothing tonight.

"Yeah, and I don't like it," I whispered to her before she laughed at me.

"Well, someone might be interested in you. Who knows, you might get laid tonight," she said before winking as she looked at someone in the corner. I don't know who he was but he was sipping on his cup as he looked at me. The light was dim enough that I cannot make out the features of that person.

"You're just kidding me," I said, trying to convince myself of no such thing as I went to get a punch. I was parched even after I felt like I had just gotten inside the house about 15 minutes ago. Nora arched her eyebrow at me before smirking.

"Okay, if you say so. I see you around then," Nora said and went to disappear with her boyfriend.

"Wait, what?" I asked, not knowing that I was alone in a stranger's house as I looked around, but they were already gone. Great, now I'm stuck in this stupid party.

"Mind if I join you?" Someone asked me from behind. I turned around to look who it was and I was shocked for he has the gorgeous eyes that I have ever seen.

They were green like the emeralds.

"Uh—" I stuttered but I don't know who he was. Then, I went for the safer route of the conversation. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be talking to strangers," I said as I wanted to get away from him as quickly as possible.

"Hey, don't be shy. I'm not going to bite you," he said as he laughed at me. I don't know what to say when he showed me that smile. My knees turned to jelly. I don't think that if I don't hold on to the table, I would be stumbled on the floor right now.

"No, it's just... I don't want to—" I said as I went out of his way when he suddenly took my wrist. I gasped as I felt that he was going to leave some bruises after this. Now, I really don't want to go with him.

"Come with me," he whispered harshly as he dragged me out of this dimmed, lively party. I don't know where we're going as the mysterious stranger was walking around in the house before we're stumbling out of the neighborhood. Suddenly, we were in the cemetery. It was lit with pumpkins that were carved with spooky faces and there was a puppet that looked like Jack the Pumpkin King.

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