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Hey to all the divergent fans! a poem for you!

Amusing it is always to me
How we are a group who fight for peace
A being of thoughts ideas we speak
Each a master piece we feel
On the surface a calm smile
No one wants the others to think them wrong am I right?
Thoughts fleet our mind all unique yet, a social contract for our sanity
To Amity lovers I ask you this
Can we peacefully agree that true peace is a myth
Perhaps I am wrong
But what can I say I'm just amusing 😉
                                             Sri Gayathri


This poem depicts that everyone has a unique mind with different thoughts beautiful in their own way, and people do take pride in them.
However we don't always speak them out, do we ?
So then how can we say that true peace exists?

The narrator is also a part of the group amity (which is one of the 5 factions depicted in the divergent series. And also the word itself means friendliness and synonymous with peace)
So when the narrator realises that by 'fighting' for peace they are fighting themselves , technically not being themselves not being peaceful within themselves she questions herself is it worth it ?

Then again her nature being that of amity she ends by saying
maybe I am wrong don't blame me what can I say I'm just amusing.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2019 ⏰

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