Good Thing his training paid off since he can run fast by using his flames. He was trained to use them as early in the age of 4. His parents were strict on him, so strict that he didn't even know what the outside world was. Since he was born, he was just in their property. He doesn't have friends and his home schooled. Lambo cried, its like he was just got free from the prison of Life.

"Its ok, Its ok let it out." Tsuna said and comfort Lambo. Crying kids is one Tsuna's heart weakness. It remind him on the days he was on the hell hole. Seeing those children screaming and Crying with Tsuna can't do anything. It was hell for Tsuna. His heart ache as he remembers those.

A few hours had pass by and Lambo calm down a bit. Tsuna ask if Lambo wanted to do something but Lambo suddenly apologized.

"I'm sorry for my action." Lambo said.

Tsuna was surprise with this but smile. "Its ok." Tsuna said and pat Lambo's head.

"Aren't you gonna punish me?" Lambo said. He was used to punishment when he was still with his family if he did something they didn't want or disobeyed them.

"No ofcourse I won't."Tsuna said. "Where did you came from anyway?" Tsuna asked.

"Ahm... From Italy." Lambo said.

Tsuna was surprise. "WHAT!?, you came from Italy!? How'd you get here?" Tsuna asked. "And How can you speak Japanese this fluent?"

"I... I was force to learn things by my family since I was 4. My family is like half Japanese so they teaches me how to speak it. So far I'm fluent using 4 language which is Spanish, Italian, English, and Japanese. " Lambo explains.

"I see, How'd you get here?" Tsuna asked.

"My..My family leave me here because I need to assassinate someone who I know I can't, actually... I think that was just their excuse. They just don't want to tell me how Useless am I." Lambo said felt like crying again.

"Its ok, does your target live here?" Tsuna asked.

"No, but his here. His name is Reborn the greatest hitman in the world." Lambo said.

Tsuna was surprise with that. Truly it was really a suicide mission. How can such Family do something like that? Well Tsuna just calm down, beside his own Family is a mess too.

"I see, how long since you get here?" Tsuna asked..

"I think its already a week." Lambo said.

Tsuna nod. "Do you want to live with me?" Tsuna asked.

Lambo was surprise with that. "Considering you don't have any home anymore and no place to go, how about live with me?" Tsuna said with a smile which surprised Lambo.

"Re-really?" Lambo asked in hoped.

"Ofcourse you can stay here." Tsuna said and smile.

"Thank you, Thank you very Much. Tsuna-nii." Lambo said and Hug Tsuna. Tsuna smile and pat Lambo as he hug it back.

"Welcome Home Lambo." Tsuna said and smile.

"I'm finally had home." Lambo thought.


Tsuna after the drama moment, he brought Lambo down stairs and introduce him to I-pin. I-pin apologize for hurting Lambo like that, you could still see the faded bruise in Lambo's wrist from I-pin's hold last night. Lambo forgive her and I-pin end up asking Lambo why did he do all of that. So Lambo tells his story and so thus I-pin who tell her story. Somehow their story were similar, they were sent to assassinate someone and hope they will die trying. The two get along pretty well after that. Tsuna was left thinking, how he will explain to Nana with Lambo's stay.


So when Reborn together with Yoshi came home on the afternoon. Well Yoshi look like a zombie and Reborn just didn't care and walk towards the couch. When Lambo saw Reborn he quickly got nervous. Tsuna sat next to him.

"Chao, Lambo Bovino." Reborn greeted Lambo who's hiding behind Tsuna. Somehow he felt safe when Tsuna is near him.

"So you knew Lambo." Tsuna said.

"Ofcourse, his the next heir of Bovino's familglia. Though they are just a small group waiting to be wiped out on the Mafia world." Reborn said.

"Wipe out, you mean to massacred them all?" 😨😨Tsuna said paling and looking concern and worried.

"Not like that." Reborn said and

Tsuna sigh in relief.

"Like there Famiglia would fall." Reborn said.

"I see, That's why they trained lambo too strict." Tsuna said. Lambo who heard that was just looking down. He knows why his parents try so hard to make him stronger so their Famiglia will be known too, but his parents expectation are very high.

"Trained him strict?" Reborn ask.

"Well..." And Tsuna explains how he found Lambo, and how Lambo got here and how his family abandon him.

Reborn understand that and conclude Tsuna was kind and acceptance.

"Hey! Dame-Tsuna! Go get me some water!" Yoshi demanded as he sat down on the chair tiredly. He was suddenly conscious from laying on the doorway tiredly. Tsuna sigh and stand up. I-pin was annoyed with how Yoshi called Tsuna. So she hit Yoshi's legs with her chopping hand.

"AHH!!! WHAT THE HELL YOU STUPID GIRL!" Yoshi yelled and try to catch I-pin who dodge and glare at him.

"Don't call Tsuna- nii a Dame." I-pin said deadly.

Yoshi was a bit scared, I-pin release a K.I which Lambo suddenly shiver. Yoshi then scoff irritatedly. "I can call him whatever I want." Yoshi said.

"But Tsuna-nii isn't a Dame!" I-pin argue.

"His useless and good for nothing, so why depend someone like him?" Yoshi said.

That got I-pin angry and Lambo didn't like that comment.

Tsuna came back with a cold water bottle and gave it to Yoshi. "here." Tsuna said.

Yoshi got it and glare at Tsuna. "You should control this little minion of Yours." Yoshi said and pointed an angry I-pin.

"She isn't my minion and you should stop provoking her. " Tsuna said and start to walk, but Yoshi purposely Trip him. Yoshi smirk.

"That's what you get when you try to lecture me." Yoshi said and purposely Kick Tsuna on the stomach.

"Tsuna-nii!" Lambo went next to Tsuna who groans in pain. He look at Tsuna worriedly.

Reborn was about to hit Yoshi but I-pin took the action and hit Yoshi on the head hard.

"Why you stupid!-"Yoshi stand up and try catching I-pin but once he walk near Lambo well Lambo electrify him and he was unconscious. Lambo turn to Tsuna and help him stand up.

"Are you ok Tsuna-nii?" Lambo ask concernly.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Tsuna said with a smile.

"Tsk, Baka-Yoshi always forget Lesson 1." Reborn said.

"Speaking of him, Hows the training Reborn?" Tsuna ask.

"As I say, he had potential but his attitude is the probem." Reborn said.

"I see, I'm sure time would pass and you can change that." Tsuna said.

"This guy won't change ever Tsuna-nii trust me." I-pin said.

"I'm starting to believe you." Reborn said and look at I-pin direction.

Tsuna smile sadly. "I know he will someday." Tsuna said and look at his younger brother and start to carry Yoshi to the room.

"Tsuna-nii is so kind isn't he?" I-pin said. Lambo do agree, despite Yoshi being mean to Tsuna earlier Tsuna is still willing to help Yoshi. Lambo smile, "Yes he is."


Thanks For Reading

Hope You enjoy 😊😊😊

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