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"Get him on the medical berth NOW!"

Ratchet was digging through his medical tools hurriedly. They had received an emergency beacon from Bumblebee's location and were now hulling in the injured scout. The damage was serious and Ratchet was doing his best with the limited resources he had to stabilize the bleeding and remove the object that was impaling Bumblebee.

Bulkhead and Ultra Magnus gently set the unconscious bee on the medical berth. Ratchet found the tool he needed and hurried back to his patient. Setting the tools down, Ratchet went to work while asking the others to leave and pressing both his servos around the long blade-like bullet that impaled Bumblebee's left side.

"Come on," Ratchet said under his breath as he stopped the flow of Energon and prepared to remove the blade.

He checked to make sure Bumblebee's vitals were as steady as possible before quickly removing the blade. But upon its removal, the medic watched as Bumblebee's entire T-Cog came out completely demolished and the blade stuck in the mechanism.

"Scrap, "

Ratchet turned his helm towards the doorway.

"Hey, I'm going to need that T-Cog you guys found!"

As soon as Ratchet finished his sentence, Acree ran in with the T-Cog gently held in her servos and quickly set it beside Ratchet and backed up.

"How's he doing?" Acree said.

"His vitals are fine, he hasn't lost too much Energon, but thank the All-Spark you found that T-Cog, " Ratchet tipped his helm towards the blade that embedded the destroyed T-Cog.

Arcee followed his gesture and looked over at the blade, she winced when she thought of how much that must have hurt.

When Arcee turned back towards Ratchet, he was grimacing as he delicately connected the new T-Cog to Bumblebee's frame, then once connected, he started to weld the wound shut, grumbling all the while.

Ratchet knew that this procedure could be dangerous since he didn't know the exact origin and the T-Cog happened to be shaped a little differently. Since Bumblebee was already unconscious and they were so limited in Energon, he made do with what he could.


Bulkhead stood with Optimus as they waited for news on Bumblebee's condition. Wheeljack was leaning on the wall closest to the ground bridge, silent but also wanting to know what was going on.

Arcee exited the med bay holding the destroyed T-Cog and blade in his servos. When Bulkhead saw Arcee he took a few steps towards her.

"How is he?"

"Bumblebee has suffered some pain from being impaled by some sort of spear, " Ratchet appeared from behind Arcee, the same grudge he normally held.

"Yeah, and it completely destroyed Bumblebee's T-Cog, " Arcee added as she lifted the blade up for the others to see.

Optimus and Bulkhead examined it. Bulkhead stood shocked and was horrified that something like that would happen to Bumblebee, while Optimus stepped back and put a servo on his chin as he thought about what could have happened and who could've caused it.

"So is Bee okay?"
Raphael was leaning on the railing of the human safe zone and quizzically looked up at Ratchet.

"Yes, he just needs some rest, " Ratchet replied as he looked at Bumblebee's human charge.

"Wait, what did you do with the T-Cog," Wheeljack abruptly asks.

"I replaced the destroyed one with the T-Cog that you are referring to, " Ratchet paused,
"Where did the T-Cog come from?"

"I don't know but it's probably from a con, there was a whole scrap heap of 'em near Bumblebee, " Bulkhead replied as he crossed his arm struts over his chassis.

"No it couldn't be, the T-Cog was emitting pink light, " Ratchet stared at Bulkhead.

"So, " Wheeljack butt in.

"Normally they emit a yellow or purple hue, "


Bumblebee sat on the medical berth, in his thinking he seemed to always drift back to the memories of the forest. That beast, it looked familiar, like he had seen it before -

"I just got the tests... I think you're all clear, " Ratchet walked in on the resting scout who was too deep in thought to of heard him.

"Bumblebee?" Ratchet lifted an optic ridge when he realized Bumblebee was in a bit of a haze.

The scout heard him the second time and snapped out of his thoughts. He shook his helm, and after recycling his optics, he looked over at Ratchet.

"You are all clear, " the medic repeated,
"But I need to be certain that your new T-Cog works before I announce you field ready."

Upon hearing those words Bumblebee perked up, he knew exactly what Ratchet was getting at and immediately got off the medical berth. He was finally going to get to transform and take a drive.

He walks out of the med bay excitedly. The others were there too, minus the humans, who were at school.

"Looks like someone's excited," Arcee says smiling with her arm struts crossed across her chassis.


"Glad to see you up bee!"

Optimus stepped forward and gently placed his servo on the scout's shoulder, faceplates soft, and gently squeezed,

"Remember that although you have healed, we cannot risk you injuring yourself once more,"
He removed his reassuring servo from Bumblebee's shoulder and respectfully nodded.

Bumblebee let out a few excited whirs and raised his wings in excitement before turning towards the medic who stood with his arm struts crossed.

"Alright, try to transform, but I can't promise that your new T-Cog will even work."

He tries.

He concentrates hard, but not even his plating will try to move into position.

He tries again.

No avail.

He tries, again and again, multiple times but remains without any progression. Bumblebee gives up and storms off to his room, blocking out the reassuring words of his team.

Bumblebee curls up into a ball on the floor of his berth room and sobs.

Just like that, all his confidence left him again.

(I am deeply sorry for what I have done to Bumblebee)


After a day Bumblebee emerges from his room and walks over to Ratchet who was typing away at one of the many monitors.

He asks about the T-Cog and why it didn't work. Ratchet does not know, only that is was emitting pink light and not yellow, as well as the fact they didn't know where it came from.

Bumblebee goes to the training room and feels bad that he wouldn't get to pick up Raf from school. Upon entering, Bumblebee moves over to a crate and sits silently as Wheeljack and Bulkhead throw lobs.

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