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The sunrise always warmed the sparks of the survivors. Atop the military base that the Autobots occupied, a young scout sat dangling his legs off the edge as he enjoyed the view.

"Bumblebee?" The feminine voice of Arcee ended the much-wanted silence of the desert.

A questioning whir came from the scout's voice box as he turned to look at the femme, who approached.

"Ratchet wants you," Acree says as she stood in front of the sitting scout, her servo resting against her hip.

Bumblebee exited the elevator onto the main floor of the missile silo. Ratchet was tending to the main console and the others were nowhere to be seen. The scout walked over to the medic.

He sent a couple of beeps and whirs questioning why Ratchet wanted him. The medic stopped typing and turned towards the scout. His serious expression stayed the whole while.

"I've detected a strange but powerful Energon burst from the ancient forests of Siberia and want you to scout it out," Ratchet points to their scanners in verification.

Bumblebee curtly nods, failing to mask his excitement he started towards the ground bridge.

"Remember, if you see any sign of Decepticons, comm for back up immediately, " Ratchet reminds Bumblebee.

Bumblebee turns towards the medic and rolls his optics. He waves his servo in dismissal and turns back towards the bridge as the purple and green vortex opens. He converted into his alt mode and drove across the open bridge.

He slows as he exits the bridge. The forest that he was bridged to was too dense to drive through, the ground was covered in ice and snow, so he transformed back and started walking. He headed towards the location with caution, he was glad there were no humans around, but he still kept his guard up.
Suddenly a shriek pierces the heavy atmosphere, freezing the scout in fear for a brief moment, but he decides to continue and pushes the large trees aside as he moves through the forest.

He sees a clearing ahead, but as he gets closer and closer, he notices that there is a lot of movement just beyond a small group of naturally formed rocks that blocked quite a bit of his view of the clearing.

Bumblebee crept up to the boulders. He sincerely hoped that the scream wasn't from Decepticons.

The scout slowly leans to the side of the boulders, trying to see what was there.

He stumbles upon an unsettling site.

There were multiple beasts in the clearing. They were encompassing a single beast that seemed to be protecting some bot. They were taking turns attacking the ever-weakening defender almost in a playful way but their strength made it far from cheerful. He also noticed multiple lifeless cons that littered the ground, all of which sported Decepticon insignias and the common vehicon frame.

Upon closer inspection and remaining frozen to the spot, he notices that the mangled mech was the one and only mighty warlord Megatron that lay behind a weakened Eqinicon looking beast, who fought all the others with a more defensive nature than offensive.

He remained frozen in clear sight for what seemed an eternity. One of the beasts noticed him watching and started growling. Bumblebee snapped out of his stupor and tried to make a run for safety knowing he was in for it. As soon as he turned around he felt his surroundings slow down. He looked down as pain started to blossom out of his left side. He moved in slow motion as a long frosted metal blade surfaced from his abdomen and pierced all the way through his frame.
Time caught up and the pain took full effect. Bumblebee couldn't make a sound from his voice box, only when he collided to the ground did he hear the heavy thud of his frame as he went limp.

There was a long shriek that sounded like a Predacon and Bumblebee started to enter emergency power down, but before he lost consciousness he saw the same beast nuzzle Megatron and move over to him.


There was something about the energy field emitted from the scout. She looked at him and the blade that impaled him. She felt something inside of her take sympathy for him. She couldn't leave him unable to transform for the rest of his existence.

Sliding on the green visor that aided her quite a bit, she opened her scanner and selected her T-Cog, processing the details for replication. After a bit of tweaking, she managed to scan it and replicate it so it was slightly smaller and functional for him.

(A little bit of mass mitosis and boom!)

Watching as it emerged from her Transformium, she gently set it in front of the unconscious scout with her giant wings and then nuzzled him. Turning around she looked over her shoulder at the sleeping mech, still feeling it was her fault he was left like that and she didn't do enough, she turned back to the clearing. after taking a few strides, she spread her wings and flew away.

His Phasing Will (Transformers: Prime AU FanFiction) Where stories live. Discover now