Strange Behavior

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"That's why I posted it. I hate the way people at this school treat him so I'm hoping they'd leave him alone if they see that we're getting along. Maybe even dating."

The post on Instagram was quite straightforward so everyone who saw it knew that it was in fact, a date.

Excusing myself, I started making my way over to where Bennett stood engrossed in conversation with West and Asher. From the looks of it, they'd skipped past the post issue already and were talking about something else. Whatever it was, it seemed pretty important and I was almost tempted to eavesdrop from all the way here, but, I couldn't do that to Bennett.

I had only gotten a few feet away when some girl intercepted my pathway. She looked vaguely familiar, but I couldn't quite place her face.

"Is it true? Are you really dating that weirdo now?" she asked, quite boldly I might add, and she was completely oblivious to the fact that her 'questions' were pissing me off. More so, her derogatory way of referring to my mate.

Who the fuck does she think she is?

"He has a name! And what do you know of it? Do I even know you?"

The girl scowled and it was obvious I had offended her. "My name's Whitney. Did you forget me that quickly?" She was incredulous but now that she said her name and I looked at her properly, a vague memory resurfaced.

She was of insignificant importance to me, but I did vaguely remember her from a Christmas costume party I had attended at...somebody's house. After hours of drowning myself in alcohol, I managed to get drunk enough to forget my own name so, why would I remember hers when all I recalled was the slutty Santa's little helper costume.

"I don't make it a priority to remember people I fuck at parties." If her jaw could drop any lower, it would be scraping the floor. "Now, if you'll excuse me, there's someone who's waiting for me."

"Didn't take you for a faggot, Hayes." she spat. Should I be offended? Better question, should I even waste energy on pretending to be offended?

"At least I'm happy." I called over my shoulder and made my way over to my mate. The grin on my face dropped away when whatever conversation they were holding immediately quieted away. It peeked my curiosity even more but for the now, chose to ignore it.

"Good morning, pretty boy. How is your morning?" Bennett only rolled his eyes at the megawatt grin on my face. Asher sported in a tiny smile of amusement while his mate groaned in irritation. Before my mate could answer the question, his dumbass best friend decided to inject his own opinion.

"I'll answer that. It was all fine I'm guessing until we showed up this morning. Why would you post something like that, Hayes? You got a fucking death wish or something? The fuck are you trying to prove? I warned you on Saturday that I'll kill you if you did anything to upset him." he ranted.

This dude has some serious issues.

I rolled my eyes at that. "I had my reasons for posting it. Besides, I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of. I mean, have you seen your best friend? Why should I hide him?" I retorted, leaning against the lockers. West growled menacingly in nature, moving forward as though to attack me but Asher and Bennett abruptly intervened shoving him back. He continued to growl and scoff catching the smug grin I shot him over Bennett's shoulder.

My mate then turned to me, shaking his head in frustration. "I get that you're prideful but next time, a little warning wouldn't hurt. It's not nice walking into school and the first thing you hear is that you're someone's charity case." Bennett informed, lightly patting my arm. I didn't let him get away, grabbing hold of his hand and lacing our fingers together.

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