Chapter Three

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After dropping off Andre at daycare we pull up to the elementary school we work at. Looking into my rearview mirror I fix my hair real quick and grab my purse.

"Okay, class today during reading time we are reading Harry Potter." It's a cozy thing to read to my students. I feel as if they will enjoy it.

I read the first chapter of the first book and all the kids are in awe of the book so far.

"It's time for maths," I say. Some of them look defeated and others are happy to do this subject.

"So what is 5 times 5?" Samantha is the first to put her hand up, I point and call on her.

"Samantha?" I ask.

"Twenty-five," she says with a toothy smile.

"Great Job!" I go and give her a gator buck. We are the gators. The Gator buck can be used at our school store.

The day flies by and after lunch, I give the kids an extra fifteen minutes of recess.

They all come back ready to learn again. Today they have an art class with Mr. Marks.
I send them off to art class so I can grade papers. I have hundreds of multiplication papers to grade. We do them every day after their extra curriculum. Which consists of Gym, Art, Computers, and any other not core class. Those consist of Math, Science, ELA, and Social Studies.

After grading 27 papers my head starts hurting. I put the last A+ sticker on the paper. It smells like grapes.

I put the non-graded papers on my desk and put the graded pages in their mailboxes.

The kids come back covered in paint. They all look like art class threw up on them.

We do our work and there are five minutes left of class. They all get their jackets and backpacks on. The bell rings and they all pile out. I would ask them to go single-file but they wouldn't listen.

Once they are gone I sit at my desk. I pull out a fresh pack of stickers. These stickers smell like root beer. I grade at least fifty more sheets.

When I am done I wash off all the tables. I refill the hand sanitizer bottles. Then I clean the whiteboard. Everything looks great before I get in my car to go and pick up my son.

Andre is waiting for me when I get to his daycare. He has painted cookies for me. He hands me them with a smile.

"I figured if I made you cookies Sanna would get a good word from you so I can get some Robux," he explains with a dimple smile.

"You are a smart cookie," I say as I take one to eat it.

"You are not supposed to have cookies before dinner. It will upset your stomach." Andre explains sternly.

"I'm the mom here. I make the rules. Would you like a Happy Meal for dinner tonight from McDonald's?" I ask this and I know he is going to want McDonald's.

"Yes Mommy, let's go." So we drove to the nearest McDonald's.

We got our order.

We drive home to eat our fries. I always get an extra large fry for the way home.

Time to go home.

I noticed a very expensive car in my driveway. I wonder who it is?

Sticky Situation (𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 2024)Where stories live. Discover now