Chapter Two

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I get into Tim Hortons with Andre in my arms. We are here every Monday and Friday so they know us and they have watched Andre grow or at least the head management here has. Rose loves him, but Andre hates her because she in his words wears clown makeup.
Rose is around forty years old she is a small Hispanic woman who wears metallic blue, green, black, or purple lipstick. She always has fake lashes and some kind of colorful eye look with a bright blush. After going to the circus, last year and him being afraid of them she has started to scare him. She is a perfectly fine woman, but the makeup scares him.

For some reason, he hates makeup. I don't why? Maybe I am bad at it or something, but whenever I wear even a bit of mascara he freaked out when he was little. One time there was a charity event so I went all out and wore lipstick and glitters all over my face and he had a whole meltdown when he saw me. I had to convince him, I was still mommy.

We wait in line which isn't that long, a man in a suit standing in front of us is ordering a black coffee and plain oatmeal. He sounds boring as heck. I bet he is one of those guys who thinks romance is asking what's past due.

I hold Andre close as I whisper "I love you," into his ear. He laughs because it tickles him and he hugs me a little bit tighter. He cuddles me close as his head rests on my shoulder.

The suited gentleman leaves like he is running late.

"The usual?" I shake my head yes. She told me about sugar-free hot chocolate and has been an angel ever since.

"Keep the change," I say handing her the fifty-dollar bill.

"No, I can't take your money." She says and, I laugh.

"Trust me you are not Rose. It's John's he doesn't need it." She laughs and blows a kiss at Andre. He holds me tight keeping his eyes closed pretending to sleep.

"That little one is constantly tired when you bring him in here. Gorge your little man is here." She yells into the back. Gorge owns this Tim Hortons he is 93 and still works as if he is 20. The day he found out what twerking was, is a day I will never forget.

He comes running out of the back with a cake pop in his hand.

"Too bad he is asleep looks like, I am going to have to eat this cake pop all by myself."As soon as cake is mentioned his eyes shoot open.

"I was the only belaxing." He says, with a smile. Andre adores Gorge, I would love him more if he wouldn't have asked me out. This made my so-called friends laugh. It takes guts to ask someone younger than your children out.  I shot him down, but being around him was still a bit awkward. Andre takes the cake pop and automatically starts eating it.

"Be good to your mommy, there aren't many women like her anymore." He winks at me as my order gets placed in front of me.

"Have a nice day. Andre tells him, thank you." Andre with a mouthful of cake pop says,

"Ank you orge." He waves bye with his sticky hands as we leave. We get back to the car and I hand the stuff to John.

I buckle Andre up and give him his hot chocolate, which is chocolate milk. He gets lukewarm. I pour it into his non-spill sippy cup.

"Mm hot chalky. I love me some hot hot chocolate" He babbles to me as I kiss his nose.

I get into the front seat and stick my tongue out at John.

"You got me the right things, thank you so much. Where's the change?" He asks putting his hands out for it.

"Why don't you go get it from Rose." He cringes.

"The girl with the purple lips and neon green hair, I think not." He gives me a disgusted look and giggles as we pull out of the driveway.

We then pull up to daycare. It's called a happy society for toddlers. It's the only daycare in town. I am normally the first one there to drop him off and pick him up. I miss him so much during the day it isn't even funny.

I miss his hugs and his little voice. His gorgeous brown eyes. I don't understand why people obsess over blue eyes or even green. Brown is where it is at. I used to hate my brown eyes, but most of the world has them. Eyes are just eyes, but I prefer brown.
His eyes are as soft as his father's used to be.

Oh god, I have seen his father shirtless in at least four magazines.  Instead of hitting the books, the man has hit the gym. I wonder again what would have happened if he stayed. We could have been a small family, but I had to let him go. I couldn't trap him here, I can't believe after three years, I haven't gotten over him. He can prance around with Victoria's Secret models while I have a better life, to be honest. I have Andre so in a way he never left. 

"Jenny you're day thinking again," John says pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking about a new lesson that could help the kiddos out." I turn to see him fastening his tie.

"That's amazing."He says annoyed, I laugh at his lack of enthusiasm.

"You're not using a clip-on today," I say referring to his messed-up tie.

"Nope, your mom brought a bag of them over and you know who fell in love with them all."He says and I laugh at how silly he is.

My best friend loves to see him squirm. When she met him he was still using 3 in 1 body wash. The little changes have helped him. He doesn't wear any heavily scented cologne anymore. She has helped a lot clean him up. She even has him eating well and we all work out together in their at-home gym aka their garage.

Now, I get to have a fun day in class, with my amazing students.

My ex's flight comes in today.

Sticky Situation (𝓒𝓸𝓶𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓰 2024)Where stories live. Discover now