Chapter 7: Pack a Bag

Start from the beginning

"It's still appreciated," Bendy said.

"Sorry we left you to the wolves." She glanced at Boris then huffed at herself. "I mean pigs."

"I get what ya mean," he said. "Don't cha worry about it."

"The break-in just...," she made a helpless gesture. Bendy waved it off. He turned to shake Boris awake.

"We did get around to questioning that Pete guy. Boy, he sure is a piece of work. I can't imagine calling him my boss," Rachel said.

"Yeah, he's a hand full." Bendy shrugged. "But whatever got food on the table was fine by me."

"Do you want a ride home? It's getting pretty late," she offered. Bendy paused. Normally he'd love a ride. Right now, he wanted to walk. The cool night air would clear his mind and the stars and moon would help relax him. He would have time to really think about what happened. But, and he hated there was a but, he had seen someone die yesterday. He could've lost his brother today. Now he couldn't deny that there was at least one person out there that had attacked the garage. He didn't know if they were targeting Boris, or him, or Pete, but they were still out there. No, it was too dangerous to walk at night anymore.

"Sure," he answered. "That's real kind of you detective." He gently nudged Boris who groaned and opened his eyes.

"Oh, Bendy, good mornin' is it time fer work? I thin' I broke m' bed, m' neck hurts," Boris mumbled still half asleep.

Bendy chuckled. "Nah bro, I think yer bed's fine." Boris looked confused at Bendy, then down at the chair. He glanced at the room before he stopped at the raccoon.

"Oh." He sat up and stretched. Ringtail couldn't help smiling at how cute they were.

"We're gettin' a ride home Boris," Bendy said. Boris's tail gave a small wag.

It was just as Bendy had thought, the night was cool and fresh. The thin sliver of moon grinned down at him. The stars glittered their greetings. The leaves danced in the soft breeze that carried pleasant woodland smells. It did his nerves good. Ringtail led them to the car.

"So was anything else missin'," Boris asked Ringtail as she drove. The wolf covered a yawn with his gloved hand. She glanced at them before focusing on the road again.

"Just the book. Nothing else was taken that we are aware of," she said.

"What was the journal?" Boris asked.

"We're not sure. It was written in strange symbols. He was a brainy bird that studied old and dead languages. We were going to take it back to Toon Town with us to get it translated once we were done here. Best guess, it was probably just old research notes. Those studying types are protective of their research." She shrugged. "But with it gone, who really knows?"

Bendy furrowed his brows. That seemed familiar to him for some reason. She pulled up to their apartment and dropped them off. "You boys have a good night. Featherworth and I will probably be by tomorrow to check on you."

"Okay. G'd night!" Boris called as she drove off. Bendy let out a huge yawn. Boris turned to his brother and said, "Let's get to bed." Bendy nodded. He was so tired. He used his Talent roughly two times today, well almost two times, the second was stopped...multiple times. Anyway, it was way more than he was used to, and it was exhausting.

He and Boris shuffled toward their home. "Bendy." Boris seemed nervous. "Are we gonna talk about what happened to you today? I'm worried."

Bendy inwardly grimaced. Of course, he would be. Bendy was too, but he just kept shoving it away. "Tomorrow bro." Just one more shove. A little more time to not really think about it. One more evening of him pretending it was okay, that he was healthy.

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