Chapter 3: When Peaceful Days End

Start from the beginning

"That low down cod," she huffed. Bendy smirked. Sasha was not a fan of his former boss. She found him cussing disgusted and other choice words not appropriate for social interaction.

"It was a car accident. Something about my faulty work on it. I didn't get the name of the owner or what exactly had gone wrong. I've been trying to find any leads, but I got nothin'. It's like it never happened. There isn't one rumor in all of Sillyvision."

Sasha blinked in surprise. A car accident? She hadn't heard anything about no car accident. She had just figured Bendy was suspended due to fighting with the grease ball Pete. Bendy was right though, that should have been mentioned at least once in her place. It was the most popular hang out in town. This didn't make any sense. She looked at the crestfallen demon and her heart string tugged.

"How's Boris handlin' this? He still workin' for that bozo?" Sasha asked. Bendy nodded his eyes going back to his half-finished drink. She pursued her lips in thought. It was obvious now that Bendy had been job huntin' with no luck. No wonder he was poutin' at her bar.

"He's alright. My bro is a trooper. He's startin' to push for more work time, so we can meet the bills. I'm worried he's going to push himself too far, and Pete is always stingy with the paychecks," he muttered. Sasha gritted her teeth. Oh, she couldn't stand that man, especially the way he treated her boys. Bendy and Boris were nothing but sweetie pies. She'd known that ever since the first night they showed up, dirty and way too young and thin, asking for a meal and proudly paying for it, like it was Christmas. She learned later that they'd used their first paychecks to pay for that meal, and that they had still been sleeping in an alley at that time. They had always wanted to eat here, but couldn't ever afford it. They had chosen her place to celebrate their first time with well-earned money from a stable job. Her heart had broken when Boris had told her that. She'd known these boys for a couple of years now and loved 'em like family. A thought came to her.

"Well you know," she suddenly said slowly, "I've been thinkin' about getting' my place a little security. There have been some shady folk around as of late and I can't always be sure there'd be a cop on hand or for Ronald to take care of it since he's supposed to man the bar and cash register when I'm on stage. You wouldn't happen to know anyone that could be lookin' for a job like that could ya?"

Bendy was staring at her like she grew a third head. His lighter eyes were huge and his jaw gabbed at her. "S-Sash are you offerin' me a job?" She smirked at his surprise. Teasing Bendy was such a treat.

"Well," she drew out the word. "I don't know, am I?"

Amusement lit up his face and his traditional smirk crossed his face. "Does this mean I get have you every night?"

Sasha burst into surprised laughter. "Down boy. I still have to sing once in a while. You sure you want to flirt with your boss?"

Bendy grinned, "Oh, I know she loves me, but let's not talk about my boss. Let's just talk you and me suga'." Sasha sputtered with laughter in a rather unladylike manner. This boy! After she got control of herself, she smiled. They talked a bit about mundane things and worked out the details of Bendy working for her. It was much better to see that light of hope and excitement in his eyes than what she witnessed for the past week.

"Well, I better get going. I need to make dinner and tell Boris the good news." Bendy smiled. Sasha couldn't help returning the gentle smile.

"You cook?" she asked.

He shrugged. "With no job, all the house chores fell on me. It's no biggie." Sasha smirked, trying to imagine him in an apron. Maybe she should push him into the kitchen and see what he could do.

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