Chapter Twenty-Three: Desires

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Rose relied on the extra three inches that her red-bottomed stilettos held her up by, hoping the extra height would exert a new-found dominance that she hasn't had the chance to test before. That's why when the elder Elswood offered her a seat, she politely declined.

"I must be going soon, I merely stopped by for some... information."

His eyebrow arched high above his piercing, grey eyes in a threatening manner. Rose felt her calves instinctually flex, as if ready to bolt upon intent. There was a reason why she had only met this man twice prior, first when Eli brought her home to introduce her to him before proposing, and second in his lawyer's office to draft the prenuptial agreement. The relationship between father and son had long been strained, from what she could see, and she didn't want to involve herself in pre-existing family drama. Neither did she ever push Eli to talk about their problems when she entered halfway. Standing before him now as more the culprit behind their problems than anything else, his cold indifference put her on edge.

"What kind of information would the girl who broke my son's heart and my business' future want from me? And even if you wanted it, what makes you think I would give it to you?" His steely tone cut through her nonchalant façade.

She gulped. This is exactly what she came prepared for.

"Because I can make it all right again. I just need to talk to Eli. I need a number, a place, anything! I haven't been able to reach him since we broke it off."

"What makes you think he'll want to see you?"

"That's the thing. I don't know that he will. But what I do know is that I need him, now more than ever before. And if he'll have me, then I suppose you'd be benefitting off of this the most."

Peter Elswood knit his eyebrows together in deep thought. If they could undo the mess they created, he truly would have nothing more to worry about regarding his business. If they don't, then things would progress as they were now, they couldn't get much worse. He weighed in on the pros and cons, silently praying that Rose's proposed scenario would become reality. At the very least, Eli could serve him as pawn in his business in return for all that he had done for him as a father.

He grunted and shook his head, "I don't understand you children. So confused, so inept. This entire situation has been nothing but inefficient. I penned you differently Rose, but that was my mistake." He quickly scribbled something on a notepad and handed it to her, "I hope you've gained your senses back. This is where he is staying. If you truly mean what you say, then you would make the trip out there to see him. I won't give you anymore contact details than that."

Rose nodded, "Thank you."

He merely looked back down at his paperwork, prompting her to turn on her heels and walk out. She didn't allow herself to relax until she was back in her car. It was only then that let out a deep breath and let herself relax. She didn't think it would be so easy to confront Peter Elswood, but she hit the right nerve. She flipped the paper over and read a Paris address.

I guess my next stop is Europe, she thought to herself.

She was browsing at tickets when the car came to an abrupt stop at the gate to her family home. Mr. Bridger buzzed her through the intercom.

"It seems that you have a visitor, ma'am." Mr. Bridger's voice echoed from the speakers.

She glanced out he tinted window to find Vincent standing in front of their gate. His hands were in his pockets, his expression a visage of calmness as he leaned against the post and stared right into the car. She let out a little groan, frustrated by how cool he looked despite the mess he created for all of them. Reluctantly, she got out of the car.

He met her gaze with one of pure sorrow. He was also pleasantly surprised that she hadn't ordered her driver to proceed to run over him. In his eyes, this was progress.

"You have two minutes before I call security on your conniving ass." She spat through gritted teeth.

Even in rage, she was beautiful to him.

He looked down at his shoes, "Listen, Rose, I'm sorry. I can say that a hundred times over. You can punish me in whatever way you want, but the way I feel about you isn't going to change."

She rolled her eyes, "Please Vincent, spare me of your deception. You got what you wanted. You've ruined me and Eli, and any possibility of us sharing a future together. The merger's never going to happen again. Just let me live my life."

She pushed past him and started entering the keypad to open the gates.

"Eli's mom isn't dead."

His words weighed heavily in the space between them. She turned back to look at him, half expecting him to burst out laughing and make a fool out of her. Yet, all she faced was a somber countenance that yearned to tell more. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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