Chapter Nine: Reliance

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            "It's a delight to be able to serve you dinner again, Mr. Sinclair." Bertha, the maid, greeted him at the table.

"Please, just call me Vince like you used to." He answered, prompting the elder to smile.

"Well, Vince, you've grown up well! Regardless of what your father says, I do believe that you resemble your mother, however brief her presence was in your life. I wish you would visit more often."

"Is my father not joining us for dinner?"

"I'm afraid not, he called in about an impromptu meeting or something like that. He really has been all over the place recently. This house feels so empty without it's family. I guess the sheer size of it doesn't help." She lamented.

"I would visit more often, but you know that he and I... we don't see eye to eye often. I think it's healthier for both of us this way."

"I understand. But still do pay visits from time to time. I still remember when you were a toddler. It was always so difficult for your mother to grab a hold of you! And then after the accident, you were immediately sent to that boarding school and the house has felt cold ever since. Oh dear me, why am I bringing up the past? I must be getting old."

He changed the subject, "Your cooking skills are still top notch, Bertha."

She gave him a warm smile, "Keep some room for dessert! I made your favorite triple fudge brownies."

Bertha was Vince's primary caretaker up until he was sent away after his mother's death. In short, she was the grandmother he never had. Just as he was finishing his meal, his phone rang.

He grinned when he read the caller ID.

"Guess you heard the news?" He answered.

Rose replied in a chirpy manner, "I can't thank you enough! I owe you a million coffees for that deal."

He laughed, "I'm glad everything worked out for you! And please, what are friends for?"

There was a pause before she spoke again, "If it's not any trouble, could we meet up right now?"

He was taken aback by the sudden request, but a smirk played on his face. She was easier than he expected.

"Where do you want to meet?"

* * * * * *

Vince sat in the coffee shop, their first meeting place. He was out in the balcony area, which overlooked the noisy traffic paroling the street below. He didn't have to wait too long, though. She walked in with that same aura of confidence, wearing a matching cardigan over her fitted summer dress, which she topped off with heels that she didn't need with her inherently tall stature. She was the epitome of sophistication. He managed to shift his eyes to meet hers for the greeting.

"How was your trip?" He asked out of courtesy.

"It could've been better." She hesitated.

Normally, she would've just said "good" and moved on. But today, she needed answers. To get the answers she wanted, she would have to ask the right questions, which would require her to tell him more information than she'd like. She hated opening up to new people. The thought of others knowing too much scared her.

But she needed answers. 

He raised an eyebrow at her response before teasing, "Didn't find the dress?"

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