Chapter Sixteen: A Dinner Date

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Rose sat down in the plush dining chair after Vincent pulled it out for her. Everything had gone as she expected, from the moment he picked her up at her house to their arrival at their posh reservation – which he set up ahead of time, of course. Knowing how popular the venue was due to its two Michelin stars, Rose figured he had to pull a few strings to make this happen at such short notice.

All of his efforts were flattering, to say the least, but something felt missing.

Rose felt guilty by acknowledging that corner of disappointment in her. Logically, she had no reason to be disappointment. Every detail thus far had been impeccable, so she couldn't pinpoint the source of emptiness that resided in her. The void echoed the emptiness that she had felt while with Eli. 

She stared at him across the table as the dim candlelight accentuated his chiseled cheekbones and strong jaw line.

Vince was perfectly content and even a little proud of himself for pulling off such a perfect night. Well, thus far. He lightly knocked on wood under the table. It had been a while since he formally dated anyone, so he was happy to see that the gentleman in him was still alive. The women he usually played with never required this much effort, but Rose was different. He was willing to put in the effort happily.

"I didn't pen you as the type to appreciate fine dining." She spoke as she unraveled the multitude of utensils and placed them in their appropriate positions.

"But I figured you love to wine and dine, so why not?" He answered as a waiter approached the table.

She gave him a rueful smile as he discussed the drink options at length with the waiter. Perhaps the old Rose would have been enticed, but she couldn't help but find herself being bored.

He requested a bottle of their finest and oldest French wine to start off their customized three-course meal that he had planned ahead of time. She was impressed by how well versed he was in their wine collection. Again, he didn't strike her as the type to be so involved in matters of high society.

"I love the view from this restaurant." He murmured as he glanced at the window to the side.

It overlooked the towering skyscrapers of the NYC skyline. As dusk fell, their lights turned on one by one. It was at times like this that Rose appreciated the concrete jungle that often seemed to overstep her at ground level.

"It almost makes you put things into perspective." She voiced her thoughts out loud.

He gave her a thoughtful look, "As in, makes you realize how small and insignificant your problems may actually be?"

She giggled, "Precisely. When did you learn to read minds?"

His grin took her breath away, "It only works with those I feel a strong connection with."

His gaze shifted to something behind her. It lingered there for a few moments as concern flashed over his face. Although he tried to cut his reaction short, Rose didn't miss it. As she attempted to turn around, he lightly placed his hand over her own.

"Have you heard from Eli at all?" He attempted to distract her.

She shook her head, "No, but I've only reached out to him once. I guess it wasn't anything that warranted a reply, but I thanked him for everything and, well... wished him the best. He was a very good friend so I'm upset that things ended this way. I wish—"

"That things didn't get awkward?"

She bit her lip and nodded.

In all honesty, she did miss Eli. Not as a fiancée, but as a genuine friend who stood by her all these years.

"He's in London now, right? I wonder if he has any plans of staying in Paris, it would suit him better."

"I don't think they own any major branches in Paris that would warrant permanent residence, so as of now, I think he's settled in London."

"I see..." Vince muttered to himself.

He froze as a figure approached them.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Panic raced through his mind.

"Oh my god! Vince, it is you!" Her high-pitched voice squealed, earning curious looks from people nearby.

He wanted to hide behind the curtains. Of course Vanessa, a college ex, of all people had to be here while he was on his first date with someone decent. Rose finally realized what, or rather who, made him apprehensive earlier. She looked the leggy blonde up and down. Her figure flaunted the golden ratio and the perfect symmetry of her facial features almost made Rose wish she put more effort into her makeup.

She was gorgeous.

Until she opened her mouth, at least.

"Hi Vanessa, it's been a while." He responded unenthusiastically.

Vanessa curiously scanned Rose, "Your type has changed a lot."

He forced a smile, "I've outgrown the concept of having a type so—"

She cackled, cutting him off and frightening a small child sitting at the table adjacent to them.

She playfully pushed his shoulder, "Oh please, Vince cut the act. You said yourself that dating just wasn't for you when you broke up with me during the soiree, remember? You didn't even stay for the last dance that night."

"Vanessa, please." Vince hissed.

She looked at Rose; "You must be playing real hard to get if he went to such lengths for you. But trust me, once you sleep with him, it's over. Try to stretch it out as long as you can, okay hun?"

"Vanessa! Cut the crap. Just because you haven't changed doesn't mean no one else has." His gaze shifted to a table at the far end of the room behind them, "And I don't think your date will be too happy to know that you're not over a guy you dated forever ago in college."

She let out a loud humph. "Who said I wasn't over you? Charles over there loves me for who I am. I'm just trying to save this poor girl from being your next conquest."

"I can fend for myself, thank you." Rose interjected, realizing that what she was witnessing was actual reality.

The scenario amused her to no end. It was far from her usual, civilized encounters with people. Finally, something saved this dull date.

She dramatically shrugged, "Suit yourself," before stomping off in her Louboutin heels.

Vince snapped his attention to Rose, wide-eyed, "I am so sorry you had to witness that."

He had worked so hard to hide his playboy image from her. He expected this restaurant to be the last place an old flame would show up. They were more the type to get wasted around a bonfire than classily dab their lips with a napkin while enjoying bite-sized hors d'oeuvres.

To his surprise, Rose burst out laughing. In confusion, he joined her.

She talked once she caught her breath, "Well, someone had a colorful love life in the past. Much more than mine."

He shrugged, "I was pretty stupid in college."

"Then what were you in high school?"

"An absolute imbecile."

She laughed again, "Well it suffices to say that she absolutely ruined the mood for us here."

He nodded, "You know what, I know another place."

This piqued Rose's curiosity. She had to admit that the air in here was suffocating, especially after that encounter. He left money to cover the wine and a generous tip since he had already pre-paid for the meal during the reservation.

Once they were in his car, he asked, "Do you like Asian food?"

Her eyes lit up, "I love Asian food!"

He smiled in approval, "Fantastic." 

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