Chapter Ten: Regret

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            Rose parted her lips, allowing him to gain access. She felt those butterflies again, but this time, desire erupted from the pit of her stomach as he engulfed her mouth with his. She let out a low moan as she sunk into the moment.

It never felt this way when she kissed—


Shame swept over her in an instant. Rose stumbled backwards. Vincent was quick enough to latch onto her with his arm, helping her regain her balance. She grabbed onto the rail—anything but him. She quickly wiped the wet trails lining her cheeks, although the heat radiating from her face quickened the evaporation process.

Rose was at a loss for words, something that rarely happened.

Vince carefully studied her expression, feeling as if he had just stepped on a landmine. He mentally cursed himself as he sensed that he moved in too fast.

"Rose, I—"

"This never happened." She stated coldly.

He cringed as her face regained the stoic mask that was so familiar to her.

"You've really blown it, Vince." He thought to himself.

Without even excusing herself, she abruptly turned and walked away. As the clicking from her heels grew more and more distant, Vince groaned at his own stupidity and let out a string of curses while looking at the steady stream of traffic below.

Rose messaged Mr. Bridger to leave without her. Instead, she hailed a taxi and rode it to Fulton Street. From there, Freya's studio was only a short walk. She didn't hesitate to knock on her door.

Freya was shocked to see Rose standing in front of her door without warning. Rose never planned impromptu visits, especially not to private residences. She knew something was wrong, which is why she didn't feel bad pushing Thomas away and throwing her shirt back on before sprinting to the door.

"Rose! What a surprise!" She greeted her dear friend with a warm hug and ushered her in.

Rose took in her friend's disheveled appearance. Her hair was sticking out at odd ends, her face was flushed red, and it couldn't have been the short walk from the living room to the door that left her breathless. She noticed Thomas gathering his belongings in the background.

"I'm sorry, is this a bad time?"

"No! Not at all! Thomas was actually just leaving." Freya gave him a pointed look.

He gave Rose a warm smile, "Hi and bye!" 

"See you next time, Thomas." She returned his greeting. 

He kissed Freya goodbye and left almost immediately. 

A quick scan of Freya's studio could tell anyone that she was a painter. Messy brushes and cloudy jars were spread throughout the tabletops while unfinished canvases were sprawled across the floor. Freya quickly made some room on one of the couches, after which Rose occupied.

"So what's up?" Freya asked, completely unsure of what turn the conversation would take.

Rose  sunk into the couch and placed her face in her palms.

Now she knew something was really wrong. 

"Okay enough moping, tell me what happened." Freya urged.

Rose's voice was heavy with guilt, "I kissed another man."

Freya nearly fell off the couch.

It wasn't like Rose to slip up like that. Totally out of character.

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