~Part Seven: Afterward~

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Two years later, Lemming had built her own place and her voice had returned almost completely to normal

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Two years later, Lemming had built her own place and her voice had returned almost completely to normal. Her singing voice had changed slightly, but as she continued to excersize her voice by singing, it sounded more and more like her true voice.

Lemming opened her door and smelled the cool breeze as it rushed through the entrance.

Lemming picked up her sketching equipment and went for a stroll. She passed houses and shacks of dragons of every kind.

As she passed by, a blue SeaWing called "Hey, Lemming! Nice song last night at the diner! Do you think you could sing it again tonight?"

"Sure, Gyre," Lemming said with a smile. "I'd be happy to. I want to sing some more songs tonight after that one at dinner. Make sure you bring your girlfriend. Still plan on proposing tonight?"

"If I can muster the guts," Gyre said.

"I've got a love song or two that might help you with that," Lemming offered.

"That would be great. Thanks, Lemming!"

Lemming waved as she continued her stroll.

The war had ended a few months ago, and with peace welcomed new dragons to the city. Everywhere Lemming looked she saw SkyWings, SandWings, MudWings, SeaWings, even IceWings and a couple NightWings, whom she now considered equal to herself.

Lemming found her favorite place to sit down and sketch: a hill just outside the city overlooking the river and the great white stone bridge that arched over the water.

It was dawn, and the river glittered like liquid gold and diamonds into the horizon towards the coast. Clouds drifted across the sky like lazy, grey sheets.

A small snowflake landed on Lemming's snout. Winter was coming, and Lemming looked forward to seeing the city blanketed in snow, just like her old home.

Lemming remembered a small song her father had sang for her whenever autumn turned to winter:

"Oh, there is a view of the time winter,

Of bitter and empty days...

It is fear, it is dread

It is love, it is mischief,

Upon that wintry gale

Upon that wintry gale

...Upon that cold wintry... gale..."

"You have a beautiful voice," someone behind her said.

Lemming turned around, startled. Behind her, a black dragon appeared from the shadows, as if he had been invisible.

"Oh, um, thank you," Lemming said.

The NightWing was small, about her size, and he had a pale green underbelly. His jade-green eyes scanned her with curiosity.

"My name is Stormheart," the NightWing said. "Yours?"

"Lemming," the IceWing replied.

"I've never heard that song before. Is it an IceWing hymn?" Stormheart asked.

"Yes, my father sang it for me when I was a dragonet," Lemming replied.

"I have a NightWing one, if you'd like to hear it," Stormheart offered with a smile.

Lemming nodded, and Stormheart opened his mouth, singing:

"Have you heard the legend?

The legend of the creature of night?

Have you heard of the beast?

The beast that stalks young dragons where they lie?

It stalks you silently

Creeping through the shadows of your heart.

You feel it but try to hide,

Despite the knowledge that it is never far.

Alas, it catches two

Two to be separated from the world.

These two run together

Unknowingly falling into the trap set by love.

Many a dragon have been lost to this rampaging beast

Lost to its endless hunger

But everyone can agree

That it is not so bad to be lovers."

"You have a nice voice, too," Lemming said. "Tenor? Or alto?"

"I usually sing alto," Stormheart replied. "My parents sang this. They're musicians. I actually came here to Possibility to learn more music. I know all of the RainWing tunes and NightWing tunes. I can sing them for you sometime if you like."

"Cool!" Lemming said. "Hey, I've got one! It's a bit silly, but here it is:

"Oh, the dragonets are coming

They're coming to save the say

They're going to fight

For they know what's right

The dragonets, horray!"

Stormheart snickered, then exclaimed, "No way! My parents love that song!"

He began singing it, too, and Lemming joined in. Their voices remained in tune with one another, and they synchronized their tempos.

"Nice to meet you, Stormheart," Lemming said after they paused for a breath, both grinning broadly.

"You, too," Stormheart said. "Say, do you think our parents would be upset if they found out we were singing together? Or if we kept hanging out?"

Lemming laughed and leaned into the small NightWing's shoulder with a sigh. "My mom left because I was a runty hatchling. My dad is still somewhere out in the Ice Kingdom. I don't think either of them are going to know."

"I prefer the term 'small'. You're not weak in any way, just smaller in size, and I am, too," Stormheart said. "My parents are somewhere in the rainforest right now. I don't think they're going to know. I'm eight. How about you?"

"Nine," Lemming replied.

They both paused, and Lemming was able to discern a blush in Stormheart's dark scales as he glanced at where she leaned into his shoulder.

"Well, I don't mind hanging out with you," Lemming said. "I'm past whatever old war our ancestors were in."

"Me, too." Stormheart twined tails with her.

Any thoughts that Lemming still had that she would be alone in life were dismissed. She already had some friends, including Gyre and his girlfriend, Gourami, and now this dragon who might be a little more.

They chatted as they watched the sun rise over the horizon -- the dawn of a new life for both of them.

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