~Part Four: Freedom~

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Sorry, this will be a long chapter, but it covers a lot of plot and events from Wings of Fire: The Dragonet Prophesy

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Sorry, this will be a long chapter, but it covers a lot of plot and events from Wings of Fire: The Dragonet Prophesy.

I want to note again that a lot of the phrasing in this part is taken out of the book, "Wings of Fire: The Dragonet Prophesy", with alternations in wording and phrasing.

Bear with me in this long part, please.

It was a few days later that Lemming was called to do another match.

"And for the second match of the morning we have two exciting contestants," Vermilion announced. "First, let's bring in your favorite fighter next to the Queen's Champion, LEMMING OF THE ICEWINGS!!!"

Lemming shook, startled as the guards took her from her spire. Yet again they dropped her harshly onto the arena sand, this time accompanied by cheers of elation.

Lemming scrambled to her talons and glanced warily at the SkyWing announcer, waiting for the next part of the announcement.

"To face her, we have a dragon just recently found hiding in the outskirts of the Kingdom of the Sea, REMORA OF THE SEAWINGS!!!"

The SkyWing guards brought out a dark blue SeaWing to the arena. She had hues of greyish-purple on her underside, and aquamarine eyes looked at Lemming with profound sadness.

This dragon didn't want to fight.

This dragon just wanted to die.

Lemming looked at the sad SeaWing with sympathy. What had this dragon been through to be willing to die in this horrible place? Why had she been hiding away instead of with her fellow SeaWings?

"Claws up, teeth ready, FIGHT!!!"
Lemming made a slow advancement on the SeaWing.

"Just kill me," Remora said in a low, sad voice. "I won't fight you. You have more reason to live than I do. Grant me the mercy of an end to life, an end to pain, and end to misery. Grant me this mercy so that I can return to joy, happiness, and love."

The wording sounded just like a quote from a scroll.

"I shall grant you mercy, Remora, even though I have just as little purpose as you," Lemming said.

Remora nodded, and a faint smile appeared on her lips.

Lemming whirled around and stabbed her tail into Remora's chest.
Remora crumpled onto the sand, and Lemming swept her tail in the sand to clean off the blood.

"Well, that was a little disappointing," Vermilion said with a frown as the SkyWing guards collected Remora's body. "What happened to all of the gore? She could have at least gouged her eyes."

The audience hissed in disapproval.

"I was looking forward to this!"

"What happened to the gore?!"

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