Chapter 4: Childhood Part 3

Start from the beginning

He nodded understandingly and looked down, saddeningly having this forlorn look on his face. "Do you... miss your other life?"

I widen my eyes at that another unexpected question. Out of instinct, I giggle humorlessly, causing Hiro to look at me funny. Giggling, even more, I eventually calm down before smiling. "I guess not. It's not that I don't miss anyone. It's that I never really had anyone to miss. I know this may seem weird or like, cruel even, but I never want to go back to that life."

I look at the slightly shocked male. "I always had to act in my childhood and when I stopped, I guess I just gave up. Here though, I never had to act once yet, so I don't want to go back." I take another spoonful of my cake. "Sorry, I guess I can't really emphasize you if you do miss your other life."

After I answered his questions about all this, it was already dusk. We headed out of the cafe, I grinned and patted the quiet boy's back. "Don't overthink about what I said. After all, you already have to worry about Hinata-tan 24/7!"

Hiro smirked and crossed his arms, "I kinda have to worry about your craziness if I wanna survive, ya know."

I dramatically gasped and stepped back my black hair flowing with the slight breeze. "Hey! That's copyrighted!!"


"That speech dialect belongs to Kushina!"


"The prettiest woman in the whole world!"


Hiro walked me home and the walk was fun. After our little conversation, I evolved into a Close Friend and found out that he actually has a funny bone! He's like a closet-member now.

"Thanks for the date, and for walking me home." I started when we approached the Uchiha compound.

He smirks. "A princess, albeit an insane one, shouldn't walk alone at night." He teases. Oh yes, I'm the Uchiha Princess, one of the typical nicknames I have for being the only daughter in the main family.

"Why thank you, my dear prince, ~" I replied with a giggle. "Well, toodles." I turn back to my home and start to walk in just as he spoke.

"Wait. How the hell did Sasuke turn edgy? He's so not what people say he is." I pause in my movement. Turning my body back at a 45-degree angle with my hands behind my back, I smile, sending chills at his back.

"That's something you'll find out sooner or later."


"Megumi? What are you doing up so late." A familiar voice called out to me. I turn my head at my seat to see Itachi standing before me.

"Nii, " He walked up and sat down next to me. It was after midnight now. I wrapped my arms around my knees and rested my head on them, "...I couldn't sleep. What about you Nii?"

"I couldn't sleep either."

I hummed in reply. After Shisui, we didn't really have the time to speak alone like this. Something bubbled inside me, what it was I didn't know. I gulped. "You... You plan on taking the village's side, don't you?" I ask him.
He hesitantly nods with a soft 'hn', not bothering to act like everything's fine like he does with Sasuke. Now that I think about it, I don't ever 'Hn'- oh my Pein, I'm a disappointment to all Uchiha.

He looks up at the sky. "How did you find out about everything?"

'Well, I just so happened to watch all of it in a show. By the way, did you know that Sasuke turns into a fucking asshole later on?' Is what I want to say. I shake my head, deciding to just say, "It was kinda obvious when you really think about it. How did we start living here after the Kyuubi attack? The tension and whispering of the other members?"

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