Percy laid back in bed and tried to ignore the thoughts of hell. Tomorrow isn't going to well. Something in his gut tells him something is going to go horribly wrong. But his mind tries to ease it as jitters.

The sound of front door opening tore him away from his thoughts. Percy let out a sigh of relief. Dad's home. Amphitrite wouldn't insult or fight with him when he's present.

A second later his door opened to reveal an exhausted Poseidon smiling sheepishly.

"Hey Percy, How are you doing? Sorry I didn't expect to have that many calls, wounded animals are washing up left and right."

"That's okay, really it's fine. I'm doing well, just thinking about tomorrow."

"Yeah school starts tomorrow. Forgot about that. Did Triton tell you about the ride situation for school?"

Percy sighed, "yeah. I'm going with him before dawn."

Poseidon let out a chuckle, "he likes to practice in the mornings. I don't know where he inherited that trait. I despise mornings. How long have you been laying in bed for?"

"Not long, I just ate dinner." He lied.

"That's good, I was worried that you be in bed all day for the past three days."

Percy made zero comments, it's better that he doesn't know that was exactly what he did for the past three days.

"Goodnight Percy, see you in the morning."

"Goodnight dad". Percy responded, as he shut my door.

He decided to go to bed early tonight because he would need it for tomorrow.


Percy was startled from his dreams by his alarm clock going off. He rubbed his eyes and turned it off. He glared back at the awfully bright numbers that read 5:00 a.m. He groaned and stretched out his leg and hobbled towards the bathroom to get ready for school.

After taking a shower, changing and all of the other necessities to get ready in the mornings, he hobbled with crutches down the stairs and into the kitchen. Both Poseidon and Amphitrite were already there.

"Good morning Percy" Amphitrite said with a fake smile.

"Good morning Amphitrite, dad" Percy greeted them back.

"Good morning Percy, Do you want orange juice or apple juice, Amphitrite is cooking some pancakes".

"Orange juice is fine," Percy sat down on the kitchen chair and rubbed his eyes once more. His dad poured him a glass while Amphitrite served him a plate.

He quickly ate breakfast and drank the cup of orange juice just as Triton made an appearance. Percy excused himself and hobbled to the living room and turned on the local news.

"There's an accident still being cleared up on 23rd St. That's is all for the traffic report and I'll hand it off to our meteorologist Zeus Olympion for the weather report."

"Good morning New York! We're waking up to a clear Monday morning, it is now 62 degrees, and it will rise up to a high of 83 degrees later this afternoon. I'll be back-"

"It's too early to hear that voice" his dad called from the kitchen.

Percy rolled my eyes, and turn down the volume so Poseidon wouldn't hear it. He didn't know the real reason why his father and his aunts and uncles don't get along. The only sibling Poseidon stays in constant touch is Hestia. But everyone in the family gets along with her, it's impossible not to. Between Poseidon, Zeus, Hades, and Demeter there's constant disagreements and fights that ends up unresolved. Even Percy's cousins get along better than they do.

"Percy are you ready for school?" Poseidon called.

"Yeah." Percy grabbed my backpack and slugged it over his shoulders and got his crutches into the correct position, and made his way towards the kitchen.

Triton was gathering his stuff and grabbing his car keys.

"Oh I forgot! Triton why don't you take Percy with you to work after school." Poseidon said from the fridge.

Triton's eyes widen, as Percy grew in confusion. Triton worked in dad's rescue shelter. There's really nothing Percy can do there with crutches.

Triton thought the same thing, "What's he going to do? He's just going to stand there, there's nothing for him to do while he's using crutches."

"I'll find something you can do Percy. It'll be a great bonding experience."



Zeus is the most respectable meteorologist in New York as he delivers his expertise over oncoming thunderstorms. He is after all the god of the sky and thunder. Why not make him a meteorologist?

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