Tsuna then end up explaining that the Kendo-fight things got his body tired and he collapse. He explain how he had a not so cooperative health and end up having a Weak body that can't do anything physical Activities or he will easily collapse.

The two look at him in concern but he assured that he is fine now. He will be more careful next time.

When he reach the classroom, Tsuna was about to sit on sit when Kyoko approach him.

"Sawada-san, Ah... I'm here to say thank you for what you did last time." Kyoko said.

"Its OK, You really don't need to thank me. " Tsuna said and smile warmly. "Beside, A beautiful girl like you deserve someone who will love you for who you are not because your beautiful or an Idol." Tsuna said sincerely.

Kyoko was surprise at that words but end Up smiling Sincerely too. "Thank You ." Kyoko said.

Tsuna just nod and sat down on his chair as Kyoko went to sit on her chair happily.

Tsuna then turn his direction to the tree. He then wave and smile.

"What are you looking at?" Takeshi ask as he saw where Tsuna is looking but see nothing but just plain ordinary tree.

"Ahm, Nothing." Tsuna said and smile.

Reborn that was on the tree smirk. He knows Tsuna have Intuition. Tsuna was kind, caring, and acceptant. He is on forgiving person perfect to be a sky that Harmonized all. The problem is if Tsuna has flames. Reborn need a strategy to make Tsuna summon his flames without dying bullets.


When Lunch Came as usual Tsuna was about to go to the roof when in the Hall way he was stop by some Bullies again. This time no one was around him.

"You useless wimp! We heard that fought"One of them said.

" Yeah, Maybe that was just a rumor. " One of them said.

"Well, lets get this straight. Give us your lunch and well, we will make it easy for you" One of them said and smirk.

"I don't have any lunch, As you can see I don't have anything on me right now." Tsuna said emotionless

"Teme! are you mocking us?" The guy 1 said and grab Tsuna by the collar.

"Hey! You bastard! What do you think You're doing!?" Hayato yelled.

Tsuna look at the direction of Hayato and smile a little. "Better let go or you'll cause Trouble." Tsuna said.

"And You think I'm scared of him Pathetic." The guy said.

"Not him, The one who's on the window behind you." Tsuna said. They all look behind them and immediately one of them said "Run!" and they run away as fast as they can.

Tsuna smile and walk towards the window. "Use a door next time Kyoya." Tsuna said.

"Pathetic Herbivores." Kyoya said irritated.

"Your not gonna chase them?" Tsuna ask.

Kyoya look Tsuna like he was doubting this was Tsuna, the omnivore beside him. Its just that, Tsuna always stop Kyoya on chasing them because he hates violent and now it seems Tsuna is encouraging him to chase them.

"Relax I'm not encouraging you its just that you always chase them." Tsuna said.

Kyoya was surprise a bit. Well It was like Tsuna just read his mind. Well Tsuna is different after all.

"Hn,Hungry." Kyoya said.
(I'm Hungry.)

"I see, Come let's get our lunches in the D.C room then lets eat. " Tsuna said and smile.

"Hn, I'll wait on the roof. " Kyoya said and existed on the window.

"Use The door!" Tsuna argue and sigh tiredly he then turn to his back and smile. "Come on you two let's Eat." Tsuna said and his two friends Follow him.


When lunch came again Kyoya stay away from the crowd as possible but stay close if anything happens. Tsuna was talking with his two new friends with some random things and well it end being the two would have one sided argument and Tsuna will back away and go to Kyoya's place and enjoy the scene.


When the school ends Tsuna walk home with Hayato and Takeshi. Hayato was the only one who notice that Tsuna was being followed by some goons waiting to get a chance to hurt Tsuna. But with Tsuna who always isn't alone they don't have a chance to hurt him.

Tsuna as he arrive at home, his intuition told him that his mom isn't home or Yoshi and Reborn. So when he open the door and went walk inside he was surprise to see a girl who had black hair, like she was 7 years of age sitting in the couch watching T.V.

"Oh hello?" Tsuna greeted the girl with a smile.

"Ni Hao." The girl stand up and bow at Tsuna.

"Oh? Chinese?" Tsuna said and the girl smile and nodded. "I see, what are you doing here If I may ask?" Tsuna said politely.

"Uncle Reborn said that I-pin could stay here temporarily until master can get I-pin." The girl said.

"Oh? I see, well My name is Sawada, Tsunayoshi. You can call me Tsuna." Tsuna said and smile warmly.

I-pin smile back, it seems she felt warmth inside when she saw that smile. "I-pin." The girl said.

"How old are you?" Tsuna ask.

"7." I-pin said.

"Ok, if you need me I'll be in my room ok." Tsuna said and pat I-pin's head gently and I-pin nod.

I-pin Smile and Tsuna nod as he went to his room as he waited until the sun will disappeared from the horizon. Now that his grades are doing ok, and the Nick Name Cheater Tsuna seems to be false considering if the teacher would give him a remedial quiz or exam he always passed so they know Tsuna wasn't cheating. Though, some still believe that Dame like him is impossible to get such an average grade. But Tsuna just Ignore those and continue his life.

Later on, when dinner came Tsuna went down stairs to drink water when he notice a pink woman was sitting in the couch with Reborn sitting on her lap while Yoshi was looking dead on the floor.

"Oh? Hello, another guess of yours reborn?" Tsuna said politely.

"Yeah, the name is Bianchi my Fourth Lover." Reborn said. Tsuna was surprise at that but smile along the way.

"Nice to meet you Bianchi-san. My name is Sawada, Tsunayoshi. You could call me Tsuna." Tsuna said and bow politely.

"Nice to meet you too." Bianchi said. "Are you perhaps his brother?" Bianchi said as she point at Yoshi on the floor.

"Yeah." Tsuna said.

"Well, isn't he a candidate too my love?" Bianchi ask reborn.

"No, Baka-Mitsu wanted this one to stay as Civilian but he manage to found out anyway." Reborn said.

"I see" Bianchi said.

"I'm going now, enjoy your stay Bianchi-san." Tsuna said and bow as he went his way.

Bianchi observe that during dinner Tsuna wasn't there so before she go she ask reborn about it but all Reborn said was "One treated like a prince one treated like a Ghost." Bianchi was confused as she left Sawada's household.


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