chapter eightytwo - riesgo ( ; risk)

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brahims pov
10:09 am

"what's this?", zidane had just opened the door for me.

i couldn't quite comprehend. i dropped my head, looked down to my hands and unfolded the jersey.

"uh..", i chuckled and showed him the name on the back of it, "it's a pretty long story."

zidane let out a loud giggle: "you're truly one of a kind, brahim. i hope that was not supposed to be a way to convince me?"

"no, boss.", i chuckled and looked at zidane facing the gento jersey, "no, i promise."

to be honest, would've been a good idea though.

"you don't need to convince me about anything anymore. i'm convinced already.", he let out the, what the boys always called, zizou-laugh. it was a little chuckling and a little humming, it's weird to describe, but it meant something really good.

"thank you, boss."

"yea. yea, diaz. we'll see us just-", he glanced down to his watch, "just a minute."


i was slowly starting to slender down the hallway, literally just lost in thought. i just totally seemed to have forgotten the time. training started at 10. i figured, if the boss was the one keeping me away from it, it'll be fine. nevertheless, the was my time to prove myself.i started running towards the back door of the building. the rain had stopped. it was almost ironic, how the rain vanished now that my doubt did. i was smiling like i was mad. there seriously was not anything that could've make me happier, just there and then.

besides solving the thing with nada.

i stopped running for a second, i was totally out of breath already, but i just blamed that on the excitement and the adrenalin that was pumping through my blood. i covered my face and let out the loudest sigh in the world, then checked my pockets for my phone.

"10:11 am"

i knew there was no time to fool around, there was no time to do anything to be honest. but that was one thing that i needed to do.



nadas view

10:11 am

i was about to fall asleep, when i noticed my phone vibrating on the night stand next to me.

*incoming call from brahim*

i picked up right away. i wasn't mad or anything. i was scared.

"hello?", my voice was raspy and i sounded so tired that i could tell myself.

"nad?", brahim was literally running while being on the call with me. at least it sounded like that.

"yea, brahim, everything alright?"


brahims view

i could've told her about it, but i didn't want to. i didn't want to make it about me, once again.i was just running to reach the dressing room as fast as i could.

"nada, this is not who i am.", i was running out of air, and sounded more dramatic than i intended.

"this is not who you- what do you mean, brahim? are you alright?"

i reached door handle and noticed bettoni checking the dressing room.

"i'll see you, nad- see you.", i mumbled and hung up the phone.

i didn't want to risk anything. misbehaving would lead up to me being thrown out of the starting. everything was possible. i didn't want to risk it.

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