Nightmares and new plans

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A/N two updates in a week! yay me lol. as always, thank you for reading & much love <3

P.S. long chapter ahead

          Malakai suddenly felt a force of panic interrupting his sleep. He sat up straight in bed breathing heavily. As an effort to stay grounded, Kai frantically reached for Diana, but what he saw on her side of the bed only made it worse.

Diana was sweating profusely and thrashing her limbs wildly. She must be having another nightmare. I forgot to make the dream walking shield last night! Malakai thought to himself.

Malakai dove into action immediately to help his mate. He combed her wet hair back away from her face. The tingles he felt at their contact had amplified in intensity since their bonding, "Diana baby! Diana," He shook her slightly, "Diana baby, it's just a dream!" he shouted.

Diana's eyes shot open; the striking silver was now overshadowed by the redness of her sclerae.  She let out a sigh of relief and wrapped her arms around Kai's neck. He could feel her chest rise and fall rapidly as she tried to regain her composure. Slowly the powerful tingles she felt from her mate calmed her down. She was safe. It was just a dream.

Malakai somehow felt Diana calm down from within, which in turn made him calm down. It must be the bond.

"It's alright baby, I got you." He whispered in her ear, "You're okay. It was just a dream."

Diana unwrapped her arms from around Kai's neck, put her hands in his, and gave him a kiss. She transferred all the love and gratitude she felt through their bond. Malakai pulled back with a soft gasp.

"What is this?" He placed a hand over his heart. "This feeling?" He asked confused and excited at the same time.

"It's me. I'm sending my love and gratitude to you through our bond." She smiled at his innocent reaction. His surprised face was so adorable, his pearly white teeth and his shining blue eyes were just perfect.

"That's crazy!" His eyes widened with excitement like a kid who just unwrapped a present on Christmas day. "I knew I could feel some of your emotions, but I didn't know we could exchange feelings! That's totally insane, Diana!" His smile was so wide Diana noticed a dimple that she was sure wasn't there before.

"You're so cute," she kissed him softly, "thank you for being here with me." She pulled back just in the slightest, so their lips were barely touching, teasing them both, "I love you." She pressed their lips together once again. Malakai didn't say it back, but he didn't have too. She felt the love he had for her. It was a feeling so comforting and warm, like sitting in front of a fire on a cold day, wrapped in blankets and watching movies.

Once they broke apart, Kai searched Diana's eyes for any remnants of negative emotions brought on by her nightmare, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not right now. Maybe tomorrow, but tonight I just want you and I and some peace." She cuddled up to her mate, tangling her arms around his torso and resting her head on his chest. Malakai happily cuddled her right back.


Cordelia. He had not heard that name in a long time. He felt a shudder run through his body at the thought of her. Xavier was currently having an unfortunate conversation with Diana and her mate about the dreaded witch herself.

"Why didn't you tell me about losing your mate to an evil witch, Xavier!" Diana's brows were scrunched in confusion and frustration. The alpha simply leaned back in his chair and clasped his hands together.

Xavier locked eyes with Diana, her gaze was too fierce for even him so he cast his eyes down. His confidence has been squandered by the subject of his mate.

"After we took over for our parents, I met my mate. I didn't tell you because she's human. I had to work up to telling her about werewolves and the supernatural. I didn't want to say anything in case she rejected me."

"Xavier, you're my best friend, my brother. I could have been there for you. I know I was kind of cold before I met Malakai, but you could've at least talked to me. I love you, X. Let me be there for you." Diana felt like such a failure for not being there for X when he needed her, but she didn't know. Still the feeling of guilt blanketed her. Then the realization that Xavier had not told the whole story dawned on her, "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SHE WAS KIDNAPPED BY AN EVIL WITCH!" Diana stood up and slammed her hands on the alpha's desk, "I'm the beta. At the very least I need to know if my pack's Luna is in danger!" Diana's eyes glowed brightly, a sign that her wolf was coming to the surface.

Xavier stood up quickly and growled, "I am the Alpha. You will address me with respect." He gritted through his teeth. Diana bowed her head and sat back muttering a quiet apology.

"I didn't tell you to keep you safe. Okay? I was trying to keep you as far away from Cordelia as possible. I couldn't keep Lyla safe, so had to keep you safe. Your father would rise from the dead and kick my ass if I didn't." The alpha and beta both smiled at the thought of Diana's dad. "She was at home with her parents and siblings and Cordelia captured her. I had just dropped her off after a date too. It was amazing. I set up a picnic and some fairy lights down by the river. I had roses for her – roses were her favorite. She said they made her feel loved and that's all I ever wanted to do. That night we laid under the stars cuddling and laughing at god knows what. We'd been going steady for about two months then. I told her I loved her that night. I wasn't expecting her to say it back because human relationships are different, but she did. She loved me. Me, of all the people in the world I was the one who had the privilege of being loved by her. After kissing the daylights out of her, I told her about what I am and showed her my wolf. She was crazy shocked, but she came around eventually. She told me that she speculated that I was different and it kind of made sense to her. It was the best night of my life. I think about Lyla every day." Xavier smiled to himself. He got swept up in the memories of her and couldn't stop himself. "and now Cordelia is back and she's terrorizing you - my little sis." The alpha sighed in defeat and rested his head in his hands.

After squeezing Malakai's hand, Diana walked over to Xavier's side of the desk, "X, my whole life you have been protecting me, but I am a strong woman. I can fight my own battles. It's my turn to protect you, okay? You, me, Malakai, and the rest of the pack are gonna fight of this crazy bitch and get your mate back. And that's final." Diana spoke with authority and confidence in order to get Xavier on board.

"It's been four years. There's no way that Lyla is still alive." Xavier responded almost robotically as if to protect himself from the painful emotions.

"Not necessarily," All eyes went to Kai, both werewolves were intrigued, "Lyla is human, and she wasn't yet a Luna so, Cordelia wouldn't gain much from her. She most likely has been slowly draining her of her life force, or using her as a slave, and now needs you, Xavier, because Lyla is too weak. You are a very powerful Alpha, but when you were 21 you weren't where you are today. Your parents had just died, and your pack was weak after a terrible war. It was the perfect time to strike. Now, you are stronger than ever, you rule the toughest pack in the country and have a kickass Beta who would do anything for you. Meaning, she's after you and your power, but Lyla would have to be alive if she wanted to get anything from you."

"He makes a good point, X. We need to find a way to get Cordelia and end her while making sure Lyla comes home safe. If there is any chance that she's alive, don't you want to do everything you possibly can to get her back?"  Diana was right. The love of his life might be out there somewhere, and he's just been sitting on his ass for years. He had no way to trace them due to the magic used, but know he has Malakai who can definitely help.

With a newfound determination, Xavier's face hardened and in a deep intimidating voice he growled, "Let's go burn this witch."

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