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It was not a good plan.

Diana had to stop herself from running back to the bookstore at least a million times. Her conflicting emotions caused anguish. No matter how much she wanted to stay away, her instincts were telling her to go to him.

Am I going soft? Because of a man?!

Feelings of longing and attraction were foreign to her. Sure, she could tell you if a guy was hot or not, but she never wanted to act on it.

Not until now.

Oh Goddess, Diana get a grip! She chastised herself for her feelings. Totally normal feelings of that. However, Diana was anything but normal.

"Diana I need you in the pack house ASAP." Xavier mind-linked her.

"Be right there, Alpha." She replied.

What could this be? Probably more rouges I have to interrogate.

Diana thought about other possibilities as to what this is. She was closing her front door when she smelled him.

The fresh pine and peppermint scent caused her wolf to purr in satisfaction. Before she could even think about the consequences, Diana chased the scent.

She got closer and closer. Until she reached a sight that caused her to shift into her wolf.

A ferocious, deadly growl escaped the white wolf. The two warriors with their hands on her mate instinctively bowed in submission. Diana bared her fangs and growled again. This time, she locked eyes with the two warriors that were touching what's hers.

"LET HIM GO!" She commanded through the mind-link.

Both warriors let go of Malakai like he was on fire. Diana stood in front of Malakai protectively and urged the warriors to scurry off with her eyes. Once they left she turned to her trembling mate. The wolf whined and laid on the ground with her head down. Malakai took the signal that she wasn't going to hurt him. He slowly reached out his hand to the top of Diana's furry head. His hand was centimeters away but she could feel the electricity coming off Malakai. She suddenly needed to feel his touch. She shoved her head closer to his hand. She immediately felt a warm tingling sensation right where his hand laid. The wolf purred. A wave of pleasure at his simple touch overcame her. A dark chuckle escaped Malakai's lips and brought Diana back to reality. She shot up from her crouched position on the forest floor.

"Issac come to the pack house's front yard." She messaged the Delta.

"I'll be out in just a second, Beta."

Just a mere fifteen seconds later Issac stood next to Diana, patiently waiting for his next orders.

"Take him to my office. But if you so much as mess up a hair on his head, I will kill you." She said the last part with conviction, leaving no room for argument.

"Yes Beta." The young Delta lead Malakai inside the house.

Oh my god! What just happened!

Bewildered by the events that transpired, she ran to her house to shift and change into clothes that would actually fit. Random forest clothes weren't going to cut it.

Once back in human form Diana ran upstairs to her bedroom. She slung on a sports bra and underwear. She paused for a moment then searched her dresser manically. She sifted through her wardrobe that consisted of multiple pairs of black leggings and black t-shirts.

"Ugh! I have nothing to wear!" She screamed to no one but herself.

Why do I even care?

She angrily threw on a black t-shirt and black leggings, then laced up her black Nikes. Wednesday Adams would be jealous of Diana's wardrobe.

Diana stood outside her office door. A door she has gone through many, many times before. But this time was different. She wasn't prepared for the person she knew would be on the other side of the thick wooden rectangle. This is so stupid! Diana was never afraid of a challenge. The only time she'd been this nervous was on the first day of being the pack's Beta. Why can't she just walk through that door and confidently take her seat? She new exactly why, but wouldn't admit it to herself.

Malakai sat in one of the leather chairs placed in front of her desk. The back of his head peaked from out from the top of the chair. Diana could see the way his locks waved in all different directions. She even noticed highlights, that could only be from the sun, mixed in with his dark brown trusses. Her thoughts were interrupted by Malakai turning his head to her. Diana instantly hardened her face. Her signature cold expression replaced the once intrigued gleam in her eye. She took a seat in her large, dark brown, leather chair. Diana sat up straight and leaned an arm on each armrest while clasping her hands together. This is the same position she uses when talking to omegas. It projects power and dominance in ways Diana was unaware of.

The two mates stared at each other blankly. Each one waiting for the other to speak. Diana grew irritated and broke the silence.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She exclaimed. Maybe a little too harsh.

Malakai's eyes widened and he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, "" the warlock fidgeted in his seat. His fated glared at him intimidatingly and he was squirming.

"Would you spit it out? Or do I have to make you?" Diana raised her brows and crossed her arms.

"You didn't give me a chance! You just ran off! I had to come see you! We're mates. We're mates and you shouldn't have just run off like that!" He balled his hands into fists and clenched his jaw.

Diana waited a moment.

Then another.

"You're right." She announced. "I shouldn't have run off." She knew what she did was wrong. She had spent the whole day convincing herself that it was right. Malakai coming here showed her how wrong she was. If it was him doing the running she'd be furious.

He sat there utterly stunned. The last thing Malakai expected was for this domineering she-wolf to apologize. "I-I get it." Diana's questioning stare urged him to explain. "Growing up you're taught that finding your mate, your person, is the most important thing in your life. And maybe it is but I gave up looking after I turned 23. So when a goddess of a woman shows up at my bookstore and she's my mate, it's safe to say I was dumbfounded." Malakai was surprised at how much he revealed. His cheeks tinted a light shade of pink.

Diana found herself taken back at the level of understanding her mate offered. She bit the inside of her cheek and adjusted in her seat.

"I'm willing to give this a shot if you are." She stated simply. As if she was talking about the weather and not her future.


It's safe to say her plan didn't work out. Oh Diana, when will you learn?

Thanks for reading <3

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*Photo is Wednesday Addams
**Song is Fluorescent Adolescent by Arctic Monkeys

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