Seeking help

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A/N I'm so sorry I haven't posted in so long. School has started up again and I'm trying to stay afloat. I'll do my best to keep updating. I thank you so much for your support. I love you all!

"You look so much better since the last time I saw you Mali, I was so worried!" Eva pinched his Kai's cheeks then moved her gaze to the tall dark-haired woman with striking silver eyes. A werewolf. She instantly could tell. "Who's this, Malakai?" Eva looked wary, but Diana understood since there was an ugly history between their species.

"Eva this is my fated, Diana Ravenwood." Kai turned his head to Diana a placed a kiss to her temple. It had been several minutes since he last kissed her, and he had begun to feel withdrawals.

Eva's expression instantly changed. Her eyes widened and she smiled from ear to ear, she even squealed with delight, "This is amazing! Oh, my goodness!" Eva pulled Diana into a hug, one the she-wolf was definitely not expecting and reluctantly returned. Eva invited the couple inside and they took seats in her living room.

"I'm Eva McGuiness, it's lovely to meet you. I've known Malakai since he was a kid. I've been a customer at the store since he was about 11."

Diana took in the small blonde woman who sat in front of her. She wore a blue and white striped button-up shirt with dark blue jeans. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail that accentuated her high cheekbones. Diana felt relieved that Eva had been so accepting of her so quickly. She knew that Eva had to be an important person in his life and Diana didn't want to mess that up.

"Eva, we actually stopped by because we need your help," Malakai spoke up. He reached over and clasped Diana's hand in his for reassurance.

"Of course, anything, what is it?" Eva was eager to help the boy she had considered a part of her family.

Diana decided it was her turn to start speaking, "I've been having dreams – well, nightmares actually, and these...hooded figures have appeared in them each time. The first dream, they asked me to halt my investigation into witches, I was doing it for work. They threatened Kai, they said if I didn't stop, they would hurt him. I passed this off as a silly nightmare, but I shouldn't have. I had another dream last night. They told me they were coming for him." Diana's voice cracked at the end of her explanation. She still struggled with even the thought of Malakai getting hurt.

"Dream walking?" Eva asked Kai with a worried look.

"That's what I think. That's why I need your help. You know more than I do about this stuff. How can we stop it? And – just...what do we do?" Kai struggled to find the words that would convey the amount of worry he felt for his mate and himself.

"Well, this means a very powerful witch is looking to get to Diana by killing you, Mali. Diana, what pack and rank are you?" Eva asked with a scrunched brow indicating she was thinking hard.

"I'm beta of White Mountain." Replied Diana.

"White Mountain? Alpha Xavier, correct?" Eva chewed her lip nervously. She was putting the pieces together.

"Yeah, why?" Diana asked, concern and worry dripping from her words.

"Xavier, he has a past with one of the most powerful witches," Eva stated. She shot her green-eyed gaze to Diana.

"Xavier? How?" She was surprised that her best friend would withhold important information like that from her.

"Well, about hmm, I want to say about four years ago, his mate was taken by Cordelia. She's one of the worst dark witches out there. She took his mate and hasn't resurfaced since. No one really knows why she did what she did." This information rattled around inside Diana's head like a pinball in a pinball machine. That's why he's hated witches so fiercely. That's why he hasn't been the same since he was a teenager. Diana saw a change in him after he took the alpha position, he was happy. Really happy and then one day he wasn't. He was cold. Now she knew why.

"So, this Cordelia bitch wants something to do with me because of my position in the pack? And she threatens Malakai because of this?" Diana ran her hands through her hair frustratedly. This was a lot to take in. She found out her best friend had been suffering the terrible heartbreak she thought was just a silly rumor.

"My guess is she wanted to keep from finding out who she was, ergo threatening Kai, to get you to stop. Everyone knows the mate bond is sacred and infamously a person's biggest weakness. Maybe she's planning something and needed you out of her way?" Eva was very worried about Malakai and Diana. She knew how powerful Cordelia was and the damage she could do.

"How do we stop the dream walking? And how do we protect ourselves?" Kai asked. He'd been quietly listening the past few minutes but was eager to find out how he could help Diana.

"There's actually a spell to prevent dream walking. It's kind of unheard of because dream walking takes a lot of power that most witches don't have. I'll write down the spell for you. As for protection, I would say to stay in a protected place and always be on your toes. Definitely tell Xavier about this too. He needs to know so he can prepare for whatever is coming." Eva's voice was very serious and left no room for argument. The couple both nodded their heads. Neither one of them had the courage to speak after the grim news they received. There was no way around this, they had to face this damn witch head-on.

After Eva handed Kai the spell, he and Diana left the McGuiness household. They walked hand in hand to Kai's car, he opened the door for Diana then walked over to the driver's side.

The car ride was silent. Diana stared out the window lost in her thoughts. She was scared. Fear gripped her in a vice hold. She didn't want anything to happen to Malakai, and now Xavier might be at risk too? The last thing she needed was the list, of people alive who she loved, to get shorter. She hadn't even marked Kai yet. The bond between them strengthens even more after they mark and mate. They would be able to feel each other's emotions, mind-link each other, and overall their bond would intensify. Was Kai ready for that?

Diana looked toward her mate and wrapped her hand in his, "I want to mark and mate you."

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