Good plan, right?

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Diana heard stories growing up of werewolves finding their mates and staying together for eternity. She even saw it happen before her eyes with couples in the pack. The mate bond is sacred. Nothing on the universe can ever be more powerful than the bond between a werewolf and their mate. Each pair is hand crafted by the Moon Goddess to fit perfectly. It's not that Diana didn't want a mate, it just wasn't a priority. She saw the people she grew up with patiently wait for their mates and start families, but that wasn't on her radar. She had a pack to run. She had little girls looking up to her and she wasn't going to screw that up, mate or not.

Diana ran through the forest rapidly. Thoughts raced through her head mercilessly. A mate?! I don't need a mate! I'm barely twenty-two!  Diana sped up even more. There is too much going on in my pack, I can't start a relationship! The she-wolf pushed herself to go even faster. The air in her lungs depleted with exhaustion, but she kept pushing. Diana didn't have any idea where she was going, she just needed to get out of there.

The image of Malakai's ocean blue eyes occupied her mind just in time for her to trip over a protruding tree root.

The wolf growled in frustration. She just met her mate an he's already distracting her! That was not okay with Diana.

'Moon goddess why did you do this now?' she though to herself. Malakai isn't even a wolf! I don't know what he is.

Then she felt it. The pain. She read about it in stories but never prepared herself for it. After meeting each other, mates will feel pain if they aren't together. It's mother nature's way of ensuring the completion of the mate bond. The pain was a dull ache but took the rest of her energy. The white wolf closed her eyes and thought about her mate. He stood tall and slim. She could easily tell he's the submissive type. He had a calm and relaxed presence, which contrasted greatly to Diana's powerful, commanding one. His brown hair was messy and ruffled like he had brushed his hands through it multiple times. He's tanner than Diana but then again that isn't hard to achieve. She thought adoringly about his reading glasses and the stubble on his chin.

Goddess, could we be any more different?

Her stomach knotted at the thought of pursuing a relationship with Malakai. A nervous feeling took over. What the hell? Never before has Diana felt so anxious. However, after meeting her soul mate she's no longer a brooding wolf but a chihuahua cowering in the corner.

I'm going insane! Why couldn't I have just wrapped my arms around him and kissed him like any other wolf? He's my mate, were bound to fall in love eventually.

But, right now is not the best time.

She growled once again. Her wolf instincts were telling her to run back to him and claim him already. Diana on the other hand just wanted to go home and pretend nothing happened.

Her wolf whined at the thought.

I know. I'm sorry. I-I just need to think about this first. She tried desperately to calm her wolf. Her efforts were useless because all her wolf wanted was the musky forest and peppermint scent of her mate.

Diana grew even more frustrated and decided to run home. Maybe thinking it over will clear her head.

The run home was quick. Once back on pack grounds she shifted and found some clothes behind a tree. This time it was a pair of men's basketball shorts and and a large t-shirt.

She didn't bother going to the pack house. She knew Xavier would want to know all about the 'research' she collected. She went straight to her own cabin that rested close to the pack house but was hidden by trees and a private pathway. All pack leaders gt their own house. It was so they could build their families privately.

Diana swung the door open and stalked up the stairs to her bedroom. She fell face first onto her queen mattress and groaned. Her pain had eased and was now just an uncomfortable squeezing feeling.

How could this happen?

Why did this happen?

Everyone said the Moon Goddess has a plan, but what was she thinking?

Malakai is gentle, sweet, and a quiet person. I guess you have to be to work in a bookstore. He is nothing like her. They aren't even the same species! How could they ever work out?!

He's my mate I have to at least try.

He'll just be a distraction. He won't like that you're a powerful woman. No men do. A man might say he likes a strong woman, but at the end of the day he just wants someone that will split the bill. Malakai will probably ask me to step down from my Beta position and I'd rather die than do that. My pack is all I have. I pour my heart and soul into this place and I'm not giving that up for a man!

Diana's thoughts continued roam for many hours, despite the uncomfortable pain. She'd gone through each scenario and all possible outcomes. She came to the conclusion that although they were mates, she needed time before she jumped into anything.

The last thing she wanted was to be rejected by the most gorgeous man she'd ever seen. Not to mention he was kind and probably smart. He wears glasses so he must be smart, right?

She'd take some time. Handle the pack's problems then consider striking up a relationship.

Yes, good plan Diana.



Good plan, you say? We'll see about that.

Thank you for reading <3

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