"And that's why some supposed-to-be-a-really-great anime series ended up getting a fucking remake, starting all the way from the beginning." Katsuki added.

"Woah, both of you really know a lot." Kaminari stared at his friends with a weary smile.

"Those are basic knowledge, you dumb Pik*chu."

"So mean! Not everyone is as smart as you!"

"But with how popular Lost Paradise is right not, I won't be surprise to find out that it's going to get an anime adaptation one day. It would be great if Lost Paradise can get a movie too." Kirishima said.

"Kacchan already thought of a plot for the movie."

"Eh?! You thought of a plot for the movie even though it doesn't even has an anime adaptation yet?!" Kaminari retorted.

"My series is the best so it WILL get a fucking anime adaptation AND a fucking movie! In the daily manga ranking magazine, it's ranked first as the best fantasy and action series! There's no way that some other shitty mangaka could beat me!" Katsuki shouted.

Izuku and the other couldn't argue with that since Lost Paradise is indeed, one of the best fantasy and action manga right now. However, what Katsuki didn't know is that he might have jinx himself a little for saying those words.


The test result

Kaminari couldn't believe his eyes.

The fear he has when the test result are finally out is so overwhelming that he feel like he's going to vomit or faint at any moment. But when he saw his results, the fear was blown away like someone punched it away.


Kirishima too, passed the test with a score that would have been impossible for him to archive on his own. Although Katsuki wasn't the best teacher and Kirishima got his head smacked for not getting the correct answer but yeah, the blond would never let someone he teaches fail.

Ashido who is also nearby, grabbed Yaoyorozu by her shoulder with teary eyes. "Thank you for teaching me, Yaomomo! If it wasn't for you, I'd fail this test again!"

"I'm glad that I can helped out." Yaoyorozu smiled.

Both girls heard the sound of a slow clapping and turn their attention to the source of the sound. And they saw that it was Izuku who is clapping while staring at Kaminari, who currently shaking Kirishima's shoulder excitedly. Although Izuku's smiling, the look in his eyes appears to be lifeless, almost like he's dead on the inside.

"Midoriya-san?" Yaoyorozu called out.

Izuku didn't turn around to face them. Instead, he point a finger at Kaminari. "I raised that boy."

"Are you his mother?!" Ashido retorted.

Watching from the group from the side, Todoroki couldn't help but to think that he has seen this scene somewhere before. Where have he seen it again? Hm...

Ah, forget it. This isn't important to begin with.


Bad influence

It was purely by chance that Kaminari ran into Kirishima on the way to school. But Kaminari view it as the gods giving him chance to go to school with Kirishima together. He bit the inside of his lip to stop himself from grinning when he saw the red shark phone strap that's hanging from Kirishima's phone. Damn this manly and loveable sunshine!

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